Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [noun pl] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In practical terms the 2-cell block phenomenon means that studies of the 1-cell to 2-cell transition including in vitro fertilization are best undertaken using eggs from a non-blocking strain [ although the main features of development at this stage do not differ qualitatively between eggs from blocking and non-blocking strains ( 18 ) ] .
2 As a Daily Telegraph labour correspondent then , I recall starting each day with a work schedule that sometimes involved keeping tabs on a dozen running disputes , from claim ( it was usually over pay ) through the gritty ritual of offer , rejection , negotiation , walk-out , stand-off , vilification , arbitration , mass meeting and settlement .
3 Maintaining their position involved having consultants with a broad range of business and managerial skills .
4 The methods used at KESA , the Greek Military Police training camp , involved putting recruits through a punishing physical regime and brutal treatment by NCO 's to build esprit de corps .
5 Most other delegates dismissed this as quite unrealistic and agreed merely to encourage the International Socialist Bureau to continue seeking opportunities for a peaceful settlement , ‘ without annexations or indemnities ’ .
6 If all those who wanted to move out did so ‘ there would be an exodus on a massive scale which would turn cities into ghost towns and cause planning problems on a huge scale , ’ said Mintel research manager Angela Hughes .
7 Ocean has lodged planning applications for a waste-to-energy facility in south London and a toxic waste incinerator near Middlesbrough .
8 Both groups enjoy approaching problems in a theoretical and intellectual manner , but the buzz comes when they face complex issues .
9 We no longer wear mourning clothes for a fixed period of time , we do n't refuse to go to parties for the first six months after the death of someone close to us , we do n't take time immediately after the death for intensive grieving .
10 Mrs Margaret Godwin , the head teacher , has used the collection of writing slates , a globe , handbell , desks and inkwells to recreate a Standard Two Victorian classroom in which 40 pupils can experience teaching methods of a hundred years ago .
11 On the other hand , Conrad avoids using verbs with a human agent .
12 Appointed columnist on the Morning Leader , and financially stable , he left the Meteorological Office in 1899 , and also began accepting engagements as a paid circuit lecturer .
13 Make tying laces into a great game : sit down with the shoes in front of you both and tie and untie them together .
14 To that end the residents of the Winslow group will share cooking chores in a central ‘ common house , ’ as well as helping with childcare and maintenance .
15 As the patents had run out on many ICI fibre Products , so competitors had jumped on the bandwagon and started building plants at a frenzied pace .
16 Pressure on selling prices and a more competitive mix of product sold into the market have depressed operating profits by a third from £3.63m to £2.43m .
17 In order to ensure the supply of food to these markets the government established buying agencies at a national level and prohibited the transport of agricultural products between different provinces without official authorisation .
18 When I say dinner parties , I mean drinking parties with a cooked meal thrown in .
19 Therefore , attempt eating foods with a good carbohydrate level if you can .
20 Global Marine were enrolled as part of the subsurface team and managed drilling operations under a novel performance-related contract .
21 Try beginning meals with a first course of fruit — grilled grapefruit , sliced peaches with cottage cheese — or a salad of tomatoes or greens .
22 The fourth and final part of the strategy involved formulating plans for a national " renovation " after the war .
23 Most paintings look good against dark walls but if a wall is strongly patterned , try mounting prints against a deep matt or ground of the same background colour .
24 Can I extend my covenant , if I wish to continue making payments over a longer period ?
25 The Department of the Environment ( DoE ) has allowed a company — located in the constituency of one of its ministers — to continue discharging pollutants into a local river in contravention of European Community legislation .
26 This means fixing dates for a first reading and all the subsequent stages in the House .
27 This means leaving faeces in a prominent place , rather than covering them up in the litter tray .
28 The Transmanche companies , at present making their own provisions against the tunnel , can not relish accepting shares with a falling value , but the further the price falls , the greater stake in Eurotunnel they would hold .
29 The prison did little to lighten their mood : grey frowning walls with a few sombre buildings peeping above them , and a black gateway with an arch which yawned as if it wished to devour any unfortunate who approached it .
30 One of the other things that leads off from a job analysis by finding out exactly what a person 's supposed to do is that you can start doing things like a personal training log , cashiers , cash sell this is a word this is real life example .
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