Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She sensed that the barometer of their fraught relationship had plummeted to an all-time freeze and , at last , tormented beyond endurance , she stopped typing halfway through a schedule and went into his office .
2 Ann-Marie Coombes was 16 when she crashed driving home from a pub .
3 She stopped looking up at a rocket : a towering metal redwood that had never flown because the ones that flew were junk scattered across the Gulf of Mexico .
4 He said : ‘ I have enjoyed dressing up like a woman , making myself up and talking like them ever since I was in school . ’
5 The heater matrix on the SIII commonly blocks up if it is used with hard water so it may need cleaning out by a radiator specialist or replacing as flushing with cleaning chemicals is not very effective .
6 Youre going home in a coma , home in a coma , youre going home in a coma ’
7 ‘ Youre going home in a coma , home in a coma , youre going home in a coma
8 He was the sort of man who , when caught riding up in a lift in Rio 's rather staid and old-fashioned Copacabana Palace Hotel with a lady whose skin was some forty shades darker than Alexander 's own pink and cream , told a desk clerk who remonstrated that ‘ ladies ’ were not allowed in guest bedrooms , ‘ What do you mean by ‘ ladies ’ ?
9 And if they think your problem needs sorting out by a doctor , they will recommend that you go to see one .
10 This will remove any possibility of bloom in the first year , but it will concentrate the plant 's mind on good long stems which will need tying in to a support like a pergola or arch to show next year 's bloom to best advantage .
11 She was attacked coming home from a dance and nearly killed . ’
12 Apparently it had been reported hopping about in a car park close to the village .
13 He 's done all the work at the scene — all anyone can do — and then he has to cool his heels with the rest of us , waiting for God 's gift to forensic pathology to come screaming up with a police escort and break the news to us that what we all thought was a corpse is — surprise , surprise indeed a corpse , and that we can safely move the body . "
14 To come tripping through without a by-your-leave ?
15 Dyson half expected him to come jerking back for a reprise of the First Collect .
16 CHRIS EUBANK could n't help himself — the words of tribute to Michael Watson came tumbling out in a torrent , a year to the Saturday since he put the brave Londoner into a coma .
17 It was a time when a bare ankle could not be shot stepping out of a robe for the implication would be ‘ nakedness ’ , the consequence ‘ sex ’ and the inevitable result — the destruction of the nation .
18 In all of this Ho Chi Minh is to be seen bobbing about like a cork on the tides of international communism , sometimes lost from sight for long periods , surviving life in Stalin 's Russia and the manifest uncertainties of the purges and , when war broke out , still remaining as an experienced if not entirely successful figure in the communist world and a distant although still immanent leader of Vietnamese communism .
19 Later that evening , in a town many miles north of Weatherbury , a small white shape could be seen walking slowly along a path beside a large building .
20 Aunt Margaret was as fragile as the first white shoots put trembling out by a bulb kept in a pot in a dark airing-cupboard .
21 They challenged a man who was seen acting suspiciously at a horses ' rest home near their RAF base .
22 For three whole days she 'd blanked out the memory of that kiss they 'd shared , but now it came flooding back with a vengeance , hot and strong and so seductively real that she could have wept for shame .
23 He is generally featured peering languidly into a pool , however divests the situation of its seriousness by considering his metamorphosis .
24 A woman with a blond plait was seen getting out of a car with a man near the canal upstream of Sharpness .
25 There again er there was smoke seen coming out of a bedroom , so we first of all informed base again , that there 's a fire , in a flat , secondly we did was break down the door .
26 He was seen doing so by a policeman and arrested , but it was held by the Divisional Court that he should not have been convicted , since on those facts ( even accepting that the conduct was insulting ) no breach of the peace was likely .
27 When a larger group came tramping in behind a piper , Cameron and Menzies recognized some stalwarts from Foss on Tummel .
28 After five minutes the decision was made for them : they were jumped by six D-Vs which came dropping out of a stretch of dirty cloud .
29 As the shadows lengthen , the men can be seen standing around with a pint of beer in hand , while mothers keep watchful eyes on the kids and catch up on the latest gossip .
30 On four other occasions Eubank was to be seen covering up under a hail of blows , but like so much of the 26-year-old from Brighton 's act , it was an illusion .
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