Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many salespeople believe that the most efficient routing plan involves driving out to the furthest customer and , then zig-zagging back to home base .
2 When the Gruagach had come storming down from the Northern Wastes and attacked Tara and stolen away the Wolfking 's son , Tara 's heir , the people of the half-world of the forest had vanished , afraid and timid .
3 ON Saturday 130 of Britain 's fastest kart racing drivers will take part in the Townparks Car Sales sponsored opening round of the British championships for gearbox driven machines .
4 Here the skilled operator establishes in her own consciousness a network of alarm signals which go off when the train of thought starts chugging along in a dangerous direction .
5 THE Princess of Wales seriously considered walking out on the Royal Family , according to royal biographer Andrew Morton .
6 THE Princess of Wales seriously considered walking out on the Royal Family , according to controversial royal biographer Andrew Morton .
7 So much so that many people internal to Digital never bother venturing out into the big bad world of USENET for their kicks .
8 Vincent barely managed to keep his temper in check in the blast of this ‘ raw north wind ’ that had come howling in through the front door .
9 I do n't know how or why it worked , but I stopped waking up in a cold sweat .
10 She tried lying down on the bare mattress , but the whole place felt cold and close .
11 Subject : ‘ Youre going home in a Swedish Ambulance ’
12 In the early 1970s , Spencer Stuart himself considered selling out to a general consulting business .
13 The Wire-haired Dachshund has a distinctive ‘ beard ’ which needs combing out on a daily basis .
14 I used to do a job which involved getting up at an unearthly hour while , as far as I could tell , the rest of the world slept .
15 Basically the paper suggested that we should consider moving away from the tax-financed National Health Service to private health insurance .
16 But in many circuits , significant source and load resistances will need factoring out from the upper and lower arm values respectively ( and scaled pro-rata ) , otherwise the implied accuracy will be false ) .
17 Now , are there any aspects about the isomerism you want clarifying apart from the whole lot ?
18 The stunt — which involved jumping out of a hot air balloon attached to a piece of elastic — has never been attempted in Britain before .
19 Schools went in for a lot of physical education , ‘ drill ’ , which involved jumping about in a drafty hall with your skirt tucked into your knickers if you were female .
20 Half of these mothers said they smacked only in anger ; the remainder used smacking deliberately as a disciplinary technique .
21 With everyone that counts stacking up on the same side , only an optimist would fight for honesty .
22 The local stone here is gritstone , much of it brought down I suspect from the quarries on the flanks of Penhill , and on a summer 's evening , when the children are playing on the swings and people are sat talking quietly in the dying sunlight outside the pub while an old dog wanders across the green sniffing his way towards the children , then , when every building is tinted with amber and the gardens are heavy with blooms , it could well be said to be " t'prattiest lal spot i't'Dales " .
23 Who else has got their work needs putting away in a large drawer ?
24 The name of the game , ‘ Grandmother 's Footsteps ’ is already a hint : the young and fit creeping up on the old , the halt and the lame .
25 Mr Watson said : ‘ It is the intention of Coun Garvey as long as he retains control of his private prosecution to seek that it be directed to the crown court on the basis that the allegation against him is heading towards the crown court and it would be sensible to have the two alleged criminal acts tried arising out of the same incident tried before the same court . ’
26 Rachel sank shaking on to the white sofa and buried her hot face in her hands .
27 I hope that local education authorities will have learnt some valuable lessons from this year 's experience and that they will take great care to consider what contingency plans are needed to avoid being caught napping again by a late rush of applicants .
28 Unless the heart starts beating again within a few minutes the person will die , and in fifty per cent of all fatal heart attacks the victim dies within thirty minutes .
29 Right , anything else that 's erm needs raising out of the last meeting ?
30 ‘ I rang them first thing , but no one fitting your description has been reported missing anywhere in the entire country as yet .
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