Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [prep] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I think that he , who could have had as many friends as he wished , never realized how much it meant to a lonely and friendless person to have a friend , to be seen walking with him in the rose-red streets of Salamanca , to be able to go to a concert or an art museum with him , to have him opposite me at dinner in even the meanest , cheapest restaurant .
2 She told me that just across the road there lived what she described as a mantenuta , a kept woman , whose lover visited her every day : she could be seen waiting for him behind the semi-closed shutters .
3 Bursting from the trees ahead of him , three black shapes came hurtling towards him over the pine needle floor of the clearing .
4 One former colleague recalls working with him in the early 1970s : ‘ Then he was very much one of the new breed .
5 Later , via a university revue at the Edinburgh Festival , he met Terry Jones and began co-writing with him for The Frost Report .
6 I remember reading about him in the Standard . ’
7 Looking back to the latter half of our time in Scotland , I seem to have been engaged in a variety of activities : was twice part of a consortium to bid ( unsuccessfully ) for the franchise for Scottish Television ; was appointed chairman of the board of Edinburgh 's Royal Lyceum Theatre Company , a post I held for seven years ; was persuaded to stand as a candidate for Lord Rector of Edinburgh University and ( mercifully ) was defeated by its former Roman Catholic chaplain ; gave poetry recitals with Moira at Edinburgh Festivals and elsewhere ; attacked in a lecture to the Royal Society of Arts the moronic language of disc jockeys whom I referred to as ‘ the Anyway Boys ’ ( the word ‘ anyway ’ being their standard linking passage ) — but singled out for praise a comparative unknown by the name of Terry Wogan ; rejoined the Liberal Party ; took part in a shoot where in the gloaming I brought down what I thought was a woodcock but turned out to be a parrot , escaped recently from its cage a mile away ; fished for salmon in Spain where my guide was called Jesus ( and enjoyed bawling for him down the river bank ) and on the way home visited the marvellous cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux ; proposed ite health of Prince Philip at a Variety Club luncheon and of London 's Lord Mayor at his midsummer banquet ( he was also chairman of the London Rubber Company to which I made some fruity references ) ; and for a year was resident British columnist of the American weekly magazine , Newsweek International .
8 A hand began feeling at him in the places he might carry a gun , so Maxim said to Fraulein Winkelmann : ‘ It would be compli-cated if he shoots me .
9 He was retained by the king as one of his serjeants between 1287 and 1293 and is to be found acting for him in the 1287 Gloucestershire eyre and in the northern circuit eyres of 1292–3 as well as in the Common Bench and in the Exchequer .
10 They stopped saying , you know , would you buy a used car from this man and started talking about him as the international peacemaker .
11 Knappertsbusch started screaming at him from the pit and that frightened me .
12 He 's still alive and yet I keep thinking of him in the past tense .
13 I remembered peeing with him under the stars , asking questions about the danger of translating a private spiritual vision into social action .
14 A man came home late from work one night to find his wife sitting waiting for him in the living room .
15 Although he had been a sobering and restricting influence in a Germanic way upon the Queen , she took to wearing black immediately after his death and , in a sense , appeared never to cease mourning for him until the day she died .
16 ‘ Alex is a natural leader and I wanted the others to begin relating to him as the captain as soon as possible , ’ said the national coach .
17 So we worked at it : he went to one end of a huge rehearsal room while I stood yelling at him from the other .
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