Example sentences of "[verb] [num] [noun pl] for the [num] " in BNC.

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1 The 1897 census had listed 20,000 kustari for the six Belorussian provinces of that period .
2 " We 're asking three pounds for the two De Morgan lustre tiles .
3 The survey points out that only three biotechnology medicines have been approved in the US during the past year and only 14 in the past decade , and at this rate , it will take 13 years for the 21 medicines now awaiting approval to be passed .
4 The journey took 14 minutes for the four miles , and water was being pumped on the flames two minutes later .
5 Lot number one one nine Lot number one one nine is the next to offer globular jars and there are two in the lot , we have one showing fifty pounds for the two of them thank fifty pounds ?
6 The Ladies , calling themselves Harpsden Golf Club , applied to the L.G.U. and Mrs. Fleming gave 12 spoons for the 1910 monthly medals .
7 Now unc and for this to be a minimum , its differential with respect to x ( see 1.11 ) must vanish ; i.e. unc which is our original set of Equations ( 2 ) with e = 0 , premultiplied by AT ; it gives m equations for the m unknowns .
8 Introducing five faces for the Nineties
9 Each child was proud of how good they had been , each of them earning three stickers for the three meals .
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