Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] often [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I , I , I did n't say the question lightly it 's just that I think it needs watching , and I wondered how it was , because I 've heard so often in the past , that people have so many lines of enquiries , but the money goes , and you know , it 's all marvellous , and I 'm not suggesting
2 Images of Nazism and the war appear so often on the screen that it took some effort to realise that these were real people inside those costumes ; that the peaked cap and leather boots were n't on hire from the wardrobe department .
3 It seems only apposite that he should hover so often on the edge of the ‘ pathetic fallacy ’ , as for instance in the assault on Caradhras , where Aragorn and Boromir insist the wind has ‘ fell voices ’ and that stone-slips are aimed , or on the bridge at Khazad-dûm , where Gandalf is ‘ like a wizened tree ’ , but the Balrog a mixture of fire and shadow , a ‘ flame of Udûn ’ — checked only for a moment by Boromir 's horn .
4 When such means failed the extended family gave support most often in the form of food or of caring for some children of the family until a crisis was over , or permanently if it was sustained .
5 Nor , in truth , had they done so often in the past .
6 Sadly , I can not share your optimistic conclusion , which implies we will always muddle through together as we have done so often in the past .
7 Up at five and sleeping badly of late , Luke kept his mind off Perdita and himself awake on the long straight roads , as he had done so often in the past , by concentrating on a particular horse .
8 Among the reasons for this is the subtle change in relationship which occurs , enabling the teacher to be seen more often alongside the pupil , a person of humour and unexpected worldly interests , taking part in the everyday activities of life , sharing the triumphs and disasters of such occasions and bonded by unexpected confidences .
9 That would need the full , undivided and unambiguous support of every decent person in Northern Ireland , and the support of the Dublin Government , who have equivocated too often in the past .
10 It was the sort of mistake he had made too often in the past and accounted for him standing on the brink of a lonely middle age .
11 This led to a general disillusionment with house-planning which today means that the Council planning policy is honoured more often in the breach than in anything else .
12 There are several ways of expressing the factors affecting the cash position in the money market , but this is the method used most often in the Bank 's Quarterly Bulletin .
13 The dazzling , witty and terrifyingly chic MADAME ARIANE DONDOIS brings her superb taste to play most often in the arena of serious antiques .
14 The word ‘ sweet ’ is used so often throughout the scene that it loses all worth , in the same way that a Chaucerian epithet such as ‘ fresshe ’ comes to mean almost the opposite when continually applied to January 's wife May in The Merchant 's Tale .
15 That this is not the only dimension along which one can or must discriminate became fully apparent to juries when confronted with the ‘ video nasties ’ of the 1980s , where the verdicts surprised some observers by turning more often on the morality or immorality of the conduct portrayed and the moral stance taken towards it by the film-maker than on the affront caused to the viewer .
16 The only reason I can suggest for this is that they may have ‘ member get member fatigue ’ ; ie it has been used very often in the past and now sees diminishing returns .
17 One suspects , however , that the lack of appropriate provision stems most often from the inadequacy of resources , about which parents can do little .
18 Why did Angelica Kauffman return so often to the image of Penelope , wife of Ulysses mother of Telemachus , who was abandoned by her husband when he went off to fight the Trojan Wars , and had to fend off a pack of vulture-like suitors who wanted to take over Ulysses ' estate , wealth and derelict wife .
19 It has made me wonder quite often about the calling of shepherd of men .
20 ‘ You have the advantage of me ’ , he said , outpointed embarrassingly often by the Committee 's own calculations , which suggested , inter alia , that most were penalized on account of means alone .
21 It is sited beside and underneath the Al-Rasheed hotel , which explains why some nondescript buildings around the hotel — the conference centre for instance , were hit so often during the war .
22 The campaign has been given additional clout this weekend , with referees under instruction to dismiss instantly anyone guilty of head-high tackles on or off the ball , and not to send them to the sin-bin where they have gone too often in the past .
23 I began to think too often of the starveling cat .
24 its a dilemma Allen himself should n't have to face too often in the future .
25 Oh yes quite common the pendulum clock stops quite often used to stop quite often with the wind .
26 Nor should we any longer ignore change in the changing world : We should grasp the opportunities offered now , because if action is delayed circumstances can soon turn against us , as they have so often in the past .
27 Neither aprisiones nor hospitia are documented before the Carolingian period , and they occur more often in the reign of Charles the Bald than previously .
28 What I find is that far too often the facts suggest a reversal of the expected relation of cause to effect , the cart comes too often before the horse . ’
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