Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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31 It is difficult knowing how far to credit such stories in twelfth-century sources , although given that the Ramsey chronicle is recording the history of its own house , and that the Peterborough source refers to trouble there at the same time , it is reasonable to believe that trouble of some sort there was .
32 Auguste had added the course in the interests of the Prince of Wales ; it was to be served virtually at the same time as the entrée , in defiance of the rules , in the hope it would attract less attention .
33 I showed that instead the symmetry would have broken everywhere at the same time , rather than just inside bubbles .
34 Just over half of those who retired prematurely did so at the same time as their redundancy .
35 If you are scoring the tests yourself , rather than getting the computer to do it for you , then always do so at the same time of day — otherwise there would be variability due to time-of-day effects upon your scoring ability .
36 ‘ We thought it was as good an excuse as any and we were all able to get away at the same time .
37 It was the sort you sit up in , and there were two other people being taken home at the same time , so we did n't go straight to Fulham but did a detour through Kensington .
38 Do come home at the agreed time ; if you 're going to be unavoidably late , ring your babysitter and let her know .
39 Laura , a far more quiet and serious character than her cousin , had left home at the same time for Cambridge University , to read economics .
40 A further example of national information about which local managers were unable to act came with the expanding of the National Diploma level of BTEC in schools : when it was shown that there did not have to be an exclusive choice of BTEC and A levels and that to offer both at the same time was not only permissible but also helpful , the manager was able to make new local choices .
41 It seemed to be impossible to straighten both at the same time ) and thrust out his chest .
42 This latter cloud rolled swiftly down towards St Pierre , hugging the ground , but extending upwards at the same time , so that it was almost as high as it was long .
43 Seldom , do you see two players play well at the same time .
44 The pension has been transferred to the Legal and General and has been left there at the present time to grow and be managed .
45 Langford and Williams ' work with renowned listed pubs since 1987 puts the company in a favourable light with conservation societies such as The Victorian Society , SPAB , and the Georgian Group ; we have even been known to win a few CAMRA awards yet at the same time the firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to café-bar concepts .
46 How many seconds will it be before 6 and 12 flash again at the same time ?
47 Her first instinct was to turn and walk straight back to the changing-rooms ; after all , had n't she come here at the one time when she 'd thought David Markham was safely out of the way ?
48 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
49 But it is all too evident that there does not exist anywhere at the present time an active political movement which would be capable of initiating such a development , and if such a movement came into existence it would encounter immense difficulties .
50 ‘ Charity begins at home , ’ Ruth suggested wryly at the same time uncharitably thinking that Maria Luisa must have put Fernando under such a terrible strain over something that had nothing to do with him .
51 I leap outside into the snow , stand ankle deep in the snow and strain frantically at the same time trying to remember which direction I am pointing so that I can give instructions about where not to get the snow for tomorrow 's tea .
52 Aileen knew how to hold a conversation with twelve people and work hard at the same time .
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