Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] to [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We would stress that the broad lines of development which we propose in our description of the 10 levels under this attainment target will require flexible interpretation since we recognise that language development is not linear but recursive , with pupils returning repeatedly to the same aspects of competence and reinforcing their skills on each occasion .
2 James IV , idealistic and militaristic , ‘ first and foremost a warrior ’ as Dr Norman Macdougall has described him , spent at least £100,000 Scots ( rather more than three years ' income ) on artillery and even more on his navy ; £30,000 alone went on the building of the huge and spectacular Great Michael , a ship so impressive that it was promptly copied by Henry VIII , whose Henri Grace a Dieu was built virtually to the same specifications in 1512 , a year after the Michael 's completion .
3 After a terrible 15 minutes I managed to talk again to the same doctor and she explained that elevated meant they were not nought , not as I had thought , that they were going up .
4 And he seems to be sticking now to the same MO .
5 In a machine operating at 6000 stitches per minute , the needle thread has to accelerate to a speed close to 100 mph ( 160kph ) , stop , and accelerate backwards to the same speed , and all at a cycle rate of up to 100 times per second !
6 That a legal system should develop two separate concepts of ownership , both of which can apply simultaneously to the same property , and effectively two separate legal systems , is by no means self-evident .
7 This revolving of him in her mind led invariably to the same end , the same fear , that he would go away from Hilderbridge without her seeing him and then she would never see him again .
8 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates reportedly came up with an ingenious solution when he was romancing venture capitalist Ann Winblad : observing that the same movies are usually playing at the same time all over America , they came up with the Virtual Date — they 'd each go alone to the same movie at the same time , and discuss it afterwards on their car phones .
9 After all , both directors go home to the same address in two different vehicles , and the reasons for taking the delivery car home , on the facts , are more than valid .
10 In July 1988 the patient presented again to the same hospital with a three week history of generalised pruritus , painless jaundice , dark urine , and pale stool .
11 She was referred again to the same cardiologist the next year and the exercise test was again negative and she was reassured .
12 With the aid of navigational satellites , the ship would be able to return repeatedly to the same area of ocean .
13 Again two main dimensions emerged from parents ' answers , called love-hostility and control-autonomy but referring essentially to the same features as the dimensions described by Sears and his colleagues .
14 He is the only member allowed to speak twice to the same motion .
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