Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] i [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Er I u used like I did with the adds and
2 I , my interest lies particularly I think in the kind of erm popular fiction written in America between the wars , though it has to some extent carried on since World War Two .
3 No noise came so I peeked round the door .
4 A dozen spills later I came across the Stigma note : Indicia are signs which create a certain presumption ( proof ) .
5 But it still seems like I mean in the , in the story , he was raised as a , as an Egyptian
6 Aye , well erm Paula will be coming here I think in the morning .
7 I 've had to go back up in to him , yeah , but I do n't know what happened last night , I do n't know whether he was not quite tired enough , erm , he must of got up as soon as I put him down and started sort of moaning then I went into the girls and I sorted them out he started screaming he did , so I had to go to him in and lay him down and making him lay down
8 ‘ If by that you mean am I going to the police station to confess , then no .
9 junior Colts , sorry junior Colts , and he said erm ah had a bit of a roll at the beginning and then towards the end now we 've sort of lost loads in a row so I said , he said alright I said about the same with us then I was , so I said it 's cold and he said mm yes it is rather .
10 And I said then I go to the surgery I said and I do n't go in the lounge do I ?
11 Ma has still not appeared , which leaves only me to deal with the scraps and slivers before the flies from the sewage works arrive .
12 With the rough timbers pushed wide I got behind the bullock and sent him on to the opening .
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