Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 China , if the one-child policy continues to be pursued successfully at the same time that life expectancy is being extended , looks set for an extraordinarily rapid transition to being the oldest society ever known — an apparently unforeseen consequence of her birth-rate policy , according to work being carried out by James Smith and Peter Laslett at the Rank Xerox Unit for the Study of Ageing , University of Cambridge .
2 If , for example , a customer likes Marks and Spencers ' potato crisps , he can only buy more at the same shop ( or another branch of Marks and Spencers in a different town ) .
3 The most surprising observation is that the spring bloom occurred almost at the same time in the Tromsø area and at Spitzbergen , approximately 10° further north .
4 But the new financing structure collapsed under them and , as the cultural energy build up during the 1939–45 period became depleted , these filmmakers were only occasionally to work again at the same level of intensity .
5 Adomnan recalls in his biography of Columba , written a century after the saint 's death , that one day the monks became aware of a strange presence in one of their pastures ; this experience occurred again at the same time every evening .
6 The incidence of bridal pregnancy and bastardy rose significantly at the same time .
7 Madame , with Madame 's Waterford crystal tumbler always placed just at the same place on the bar ; Madame , in position , on guard , ruling the night .
8 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place , Sweet water and bitter ? ’ '
9 I say it again to show there is no ill will — ‘ Doth a fountain send forth at the same place , Sweet water and bitter ? ’ '
10 They can do both at the same time .
11 What you can do both at the same time can you ?
12 Now , if we think about actions which might have a beneficial effect on welfare or on conservation , there are some which benefit both at the same time .
13 Another example is a fish swimming up-stream at the same speed as the stream ( see figure 6.2 ) .
14 The two sides will also be meeting again at the same venue tomorrow in the first round of the Augustus Barnet Cup .
15 Each Marking Kit contains seven overlays , so up to seven teachers can mark together at the same time .
16 ‘ Green in the snow ’ is a hot , hardy mustard , sown outdoors at the same time .
17 There is no problem with amplifying a speaker 's voice because in a room of any size you do not hear the individual 's voice as such and the electronic sound reaches everywhere at the same time .
18 It seems to imply that the algal ridge is not building seawards , unless the gutter is also moving seawards at the same rate .
19 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
20 Masonry developed traditionally at the same time as Norman England , but most of the buildings have been altered .
21 Some are showing how to do both at the same time
22 ‘ Keeping the bend and making Benji move sideways at the same time is not easy , ’ she said .
23 The day which ended terribly at the presidential palace started badly at the same venue .
24 Erm which they start they 're supposed to be running together at the same time when they 'll start I do n't know .
25 And whilst we had no opportunities last year for canvassing or erm for getting members we we could have I I felt er put on more fund-raising events as we had a quiet year and we could have probably at the same time persuaded one or two people to actually join us .
26 Everyone in the board room was either clearing his throat , or shifting position in his seat , or doing both at the same time , which is actually rather difficult .
27 Slater was silent for a second , gazing disdainfully at Graham 's snapping fingers , then he said tiredly , " Graham , either concentrate on searching for the title of the book you 're talking about or devote your full energies to practising calling for a waiter ; I 'm not convinced you possess the RAM for doing both at the same time . "
28 If all members of the human race had arrived roughly at the same time at the point when the need for a ‘ god ’ had started to influence human behaviour , it may well have been that the existence of a disastrous diversity of ‘ gods ’ , all of whom according to their worshippers conferred privileges , would never have become established .
29 Running simultaneously at the same gallery is an exhibition of humorous scenes captured for posterity by the camera of American artist Laurie Simmons .
30 The tiger and the sambur may drink together at the same pool , for there is a sanctity observed by many animals at the jungle water hole .
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