Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [been] [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new Landrat of Gunzenhausen , a former Franconian bastion of National Socialism , wrote in his first monthly report after the end of the Third Reich , in August 1945 : ‘ Although the war has only been over for a few months , National Socialism is hardly ever spoken about , and when at all , only in a negative sense .
2 Another argument is that advertising has only been around for a while , so how can that be the reason for all our hang-ups , but that 's not true either .
3 It 's 0700 on the 30 June and my body has already been up for an hour and run four miles .
4 It has certainly been around for a hundred years , and it is probably the most vital of aspect of life as we know it today .
5 He had only been in for a few nights after his first summer holiday in the five years I 'd owned him .
6 He had only been back for a few hours when company orders were posted showing that Colonel Hamilton wished to see Lance-Corporal Trumper at eleven hundred hours the following morning .
7 She had clearly been out for the evening .
8 No , Lindsey told herself , as she showered and slipped into a warm towelling robe , it had actually been over for a long time .
9 How do you know this is love , your prose side whispers like a sceptical lawyer , it 's only been around for a few weeks , a few months .
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