Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The plenum , in the event , made little influence upon the continuing discussion , and by the early 1990s it was clear that only a reconsideration of the very bases of Soviet statehood would be likely to satisfy the aspirations of the various republics and nationalities .
2 However , in such a universe there would probably not be sufficient in the way of attractive forces to gather together matter in the large aggregates that are probably necessary for the development of complicated structures .
3 He would make less stir in the larger Aintree pool .
4 The weights and fuel consumption times given below refer to the larger CV470 .
5 Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis .
6 Yet the surviving scores provide little help to a modern impresario trying to figure out whom to hire .
7 In business , an employee near retirement age may well be given a job with a grand title in a department which has little influence in the overall scheme of things .
8 Dr Donald Clarke , of the British National Party , was not present and a show of hands suggested he has little support at the independent girls ' school .
9 Russell Peters , who has hardly been in contention at all so far , won the Soling race , and although he is well behind Lawrie Smith on points , needs only finish in the top six to gain a match racing play-off for the team spot .
10 It seems more reasonable to anticipate a response to a formal written instrument , especially one which may have adverse consequences on a third State , and thus to regard lack of response as acceptance of that agreement , than it is to demand early protest to an emergent rule of customary international law .
11 Compared to this Packard-Merlin , the Mk III had been raised in immaculate condition and its rocker covers still gleam with the original black paintwork .
12 In the early 1680s , although the liverymen of the substantial City companies had not noticeably favoured one party , the Whigs had attracted more support from the lesser companies than the Tories .
13 The sword was later recovered from a long forgotten underground lair by a combined expedition of Dwarfs and Men .
14 In the absence of heterogeneous nucleation or granule coalescence , and ensemble of 0.25-µm granules should have a crystallization half-life of more than 1,000 yr at 30 °C , whereas bulk samples of the polymer quenched to 30 °C from the melt typically crystallize within a few minutes .
15 As noted earlier , the findings reported here flow from an international comparative research programme that has been sustained over a seven-year period , beginning in 1983 .
16 says the information comes from many sources and has high praise for the generous help given by curators and librarians .
17 She eased it free , allowing it to stand proudly erect in the open air .
18 AGI , which produces BIG , also collaborates with the national French bibliographic services of the Bureau de Recherches Gologiques et Minires ( BRGM ) , and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique ( CNRS ) , so that its European coverage is considered virtually complete for the present data set .
19 AGI , which produces BIG , also collaborates with the national French bibliographic services of the Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres ( BRGM ) , and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique ( CNRS ) , so that its European coverage is considered virtually complete for the present data set .
20 Many partnerships , of course , are characterised by much more superficial , less close relationships between education and business where , crucially , activities remain largely separate from the mainstream activities of both and owned only by those individuals who are involved rather their organisations .
21 Directional planning involves identifying barriers and potentials and choosing a course in order to overcome the former and make best use of the latter .
22 We 'd be living together like in the old days .
23 Langstone and Portsmouth harbours best bet for a few flounder , with Eastern Roadd , Porchester and the Oyster Beds top areas .
24 Open records should lead to better record keeping in the primary sector and will give further support to the general practice of consulting parents early about learning or behavioural problems .
25 Pacifists in the ILP and BSP , Jones argued , had done more harm to the working-class movement than could have been inflicted by the Municipal Alliance .
26 The basic salaries paid to executives relocated abroad depend to a certain degree on which countries are involved .
27 Success came for Charles Tennant in 1798 when he patented a chlorine liquor bleaching agent and was made doubly secure in the following year with an improved agent in powder form .
28 Providing an answer only for the surface doubt answers neither doubt in the long run .
29 Should the dialectic process ideally lead to a simple merging , so that the views of men and women on any matter will normally be indistinguishable ?
30 Although this synthesis of ideas has been rightly praised by subsequent historians and political commentators , Mosley came too realize during the later 1920s that such ideas could only partially solve Britain 's economic problems .
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