Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 27 finalists are listed below and at the time of going to press they are poised for the grand final in London .
2 I settled in pretty quickly , though suffering a bit from culture shock and more from the realisation that I was semi-illiterate in the Thai language : I had the ability to communicate verbally but at a child 's level and almost no ability to read .
3 It is dorsal in position , lying above and at the side of the fore intestine and its structure is described in a wide variety of types by Cazal ( 1948 ) , two common arrangements being shown in Fig. 63 .
4 A draft report from the House of Representatives charged that the EPA ‘ acted improperly or at a minimum created the appearance of impropriety ’ , in deciding not to regulate formaldehyde as a cancer-causing chemical .
5 I shuffled away and at the bottom of the stairs the back of my hand accidentally knocked the rail , hard .
6 Not really , I mean well I know , German I mean I 'm gon na be worried about it when I get there but at the moment German and French are just gon na be translating something , there 'll be , give me an extract and a translation and I 'll have to do them , you know
7 ‘ What 's wrong , Will ? ’ she asked apprehensively and at the sound of her voice , he burst into tears .
8 Thus , even if space is left within and at the end of each index , updating will involve the shifting and shuffling of a number of records or the use of pointers and links to the new records .
9 He learned quickly and at the age of 19 met Samuel Bradbury , a noted local cricketer , in a single-wicket contest , so popular in those days , for a ‘ substantial wager . ’
10 I was taken here but at the time I mean I was n't one of the really seriously burnt , I mean I was still conscious and I was still walking around .
11 Common thoroughfares ran everywhere and at every level from basement to attic .
12 And I un well as I understand it from , from , from the friends in Moscow their , their traditional industries are very archaic , they may have erm , the expertise in , in the armament section , but the other things , what they need is some of our engineers and we 've got a lot of engineers who were working overseas and at the moment are n't .
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