Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd walked round the engine sheds , he said , where he 'd looked long and lovingly at the old locomotives , and where he 'd seen schoolboys and middle-aged men carefully recording numbers and wheel-arrangements in their note-books .
2 He released her as suddenly as he had come to her support and she grasped quickly and covertly at the back of another chair , not wanting him to know that her numbed leg was tingling painfully now .
3 1 To ensure that the patient arrives comfortably and safely at the theatre at the agreed time .
4 ‘ We need a strong system of local government capable of both planning at the wider geographical level and of acting sensitively and accountably at the most local level , ’ he said .
5 As the island subsided the reef would grow upwards and outwards at the edges , the only places where growth is active for reasons already stated , while the dead part of the reef between the island and the front of the reef would be flooded .
6 Fourthly , this test would mean that there was no remedy under the Act in respect of a transaction with an overseas company , or a foreigner living here but abroad at the crucial moment , even if the subject matter was English land .
7 There are more than 350 lots , which were on view at Sotheby 's in New Bond Street , London , earlier this month and which can still be seen today and tomorrow at the Assembly Rooms before the sale begins .
8 ‘ Oh , we still got ‘ im , ’ said the Old Stager contemptuously , indicating the Smallholder , our other opener still in the middle , who stood looking modestly and determinedly at the bottom of his raised bat , as if to say : ‘ Now it all depends on me . ’
9 ‘ Splendid , splendid , ’ he had said cordially and automatically at the time .
10 This conclusion should not be seen to reflect callous indifference to individuals who have suffered miserably or fatally at the hands of persons committing ‘ conventional ’ crimes ; their agony is real and should never be ignored .
11 She remarried more or less at the same time as I did .
12 The Government would be well advised to look constructively and positively at the suggestion that there should be an ombudsman .
13 Check that your own name , the name of your tutor , the title of the essay and the course are displayed clearly and prominently at the top of page one .
14 Of course a suitable notation rarely appears instantly and clearly at the start of a problem .
15 She waddled cautiously across the living-room , glaring imperiously but ineffectively at the slopping water glasses .
16 I had a sort of seizure when clapping started loudly and unexpectedly at the end of Act 1 !
17 You might think of it like the clock in your hall being set forwards or backwards at the beginning and end of Summer Time , so that it registers nightfall as coming first later and then earlier … ’
18 My contention is that God and christian principles need to be set explicitly and overtly at the heart of this declaration of ideals .
19 This flux can not change instantaneously and therefore at the instant after switch-on , and substituting this condition into Eqn .
20 He looked outside and there at the bottom of the steps was Aubrey Clark dressed in his motor-cycle gear , his helmet glinting in the moonlight .
21 Eachuinn Odhar muttered , scratching itchily and irritably at the newly pink scalp gleaming through his newly white hair , ‘ different is n't aye better ! ’
22 And then , having cut it in half , turn again and again at the charge to carve it , neatly , for Thorfinn 's well-placed and well-protected infantry to engulf and slaughter .
23 Delaney got out his knife , struck again and again at the arm , watching the blade plunge into the surface , saw it ooze and close over again .
24 He turned back to what he was doing , his long fingers working quickly and expertly at the job , and she had the faintest feeling that she was being dismissed .
25 Workshops are being held today and tomorrow at the Sunderland Stake headquarters in Queen Alexandra Road .
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