Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had travelled widely in America on behalf of peaceful arbitration of international disputes and in 1893 had persuaded the Commons to resolve in favour of an Anglo-American Treaty of Arbitration .
2 Hard-edged , smelling distastefully of banknotes on snow , they sketched for her , faster than light , a helix of numbers .
3 What does it feel like for the select band of lay students ? , a mother and trained nurse who commutes daily from Stockton on Tees , says : ‘ Ushaw 's students have made us feel very welcome .
4 The Sergeant informed me that No. 46 Royal Marine Commando had come ashore in Normandy on D-Day + 1 and had gone into action almost straight away at a spot further along the coast from here , against a crack German S.S. Unit ( Hitler Youth ) .
5 There was nothing unusual about MPs getting carried away during debates on crime and violence , however , or for the Speaker to find it necessary to call for ‘ Order ! ’ against ‘ shouts of sadistic enthusiasm ’ when whipping was on the agenda .
6 Different centres of excellence will usually offer courses in their own specialism ; you may find you have to work away from home on secondment if your first choice is limited to only a few specialist centres .
7 The Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) treaty signed in Paris in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] and in " provisional application " since July 17 , 1992 [ see p. 39031 ] , was due to come formally into effect on Nov. 9 , 10 days after the last two signatory states ( Byelarus and Kazakhstan ) deposited their instruments of ratification .
8 The officer in charge of the post could not believe that a couple who had arrived by air on Tuesday should be returning home by car on Wednesday .
9 They are due to appear again before magistrates on May 24 .
10 The commissions , which were to recommence work before Jan. 14 , were instructed to report at least once a month to the heads of state who were scheduled to meet again in Rwanda on March 14-15 .
11 As this is the case , part of the research will examine various experimental techniques used previously in studies on word recognition .
12 UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali met separately in Geneva on Dec. 28 with Presidents Dobrica Cosic of the FRY , Franjo Tudjman of Croatia and Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia-Hercegovina , urging Cosic to use his influence with Serbia to avoid international intervention .
13 The Guardian newspaper , in partnership with the Royal Institute for the Blind and associates has launched a system that enables the entire editorial text of the newspaper to be transmitted nightly via Teletext on Channel 4 television 's frequencies to a personal computer , which can read the text in a synthesised voice to blind and partially sighted people : those that can afford an £8,000 Braille terminal can also read the text that way , and it can also be displayed in large print on the screen for those with poor sight ; the text is structured so that readers can scan the headlines and choose the items that interest them ; the paper will be marketed , serviced and supported by Electronic Text Networks Associates Ltd of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , a commercial venture one third owned by the Guardian and the charity ; the other shareholders , each with a third share , are Aptech Ltd , which specialises in computer aids for disabled people , and Intelligent Research Ltd , which made the hardware for the system ; the decoder board for the personal computer is £400 , plus about £500 for a speech synthesizer ; the annual subscription to the electronic paper is £160 and the partners hope that other papers will decide to go onto the system .
14 He was travelling in a Lancia Prisma saloon which lost control and overturned just before midnight on Sunday .
15 The performance indicators which are produced consist mainly of data on payment , which makes useful analysis difficult .
16 Durham practised outdoors at Boldon on Thursday and again yesterday morning .
17 The West German Chancellor also fell into line with his French allies by agreeing that the Community should try to be ready to implement the economic union when the single market came fully into operation on January 1 , 1993 .
18 However , meeting again in Cologne on June 8-9 , Green delegates elected Heide Rühle as party manager , and supported seeking a coalition with the SPD after the next general election .
19 The two Cabinets had met jointly in San'aa on Jan. 20-22 and in Aden on March 21 , while impetus was also given by the opening of the border [ see p. 37266 ] , by meetings between Saleh and al-Bid in Ta'izz on March 8 and in Aden on May 1 , and between the respective Prime Ministers in San'aa on May 1-4 , and by progress made in joint committees at ministerial level .
20 Proposals put forward by Mitterrand on July 14 , 1989 , that the right of referral to the Constitutional Council ( Conseil constitutionel ) should be extended to individual citizens resulted in a draft law which was approved by the Council of Ministers on March 28 , 1990 .
21 Today the farm worker often works on his own and drives home for lunch on board his tractor .
22 Strip grazing is used widely for cattle on kale , but is less popular with mixed stock or sheep on grass .
23 The fugitive and his boatmen had been washed ashore at Rossinish on Benbecula , in April , after a night of violent storms in the Minch :
24 Austrian President Waldheim 's visit in August had secured the release of some 80 Austrian nationals ; other developments of this nature included the release of the last 82 of some 500 Brazilians , who arrived home from Baghdad on Oct. 8 ; the release in mid-October of small groups of Spaniards , Finns and Swedes , and a visit to Iraq by a delegation from the American-Iraqi Association , resulting in the release of 14 elderly or sick men of US nationality who flew out to Amman on Oct. 23 .
25 I arrived early for lunch on September 14th , and then went up to my shared room to unpack my few belongings .
26 With the issue of the chair still unresolved , the SDLP representatives withdrew temporarily from meetings on May 21 , saying that they would return once Brooke reached agreement with the Unionists .
27 Capitain deals exclusively in works on paper , often producing catalogues in collaboration with New York publisher Thea Westreich .
28 Ianthe was disconcerted , even a little shocked , to see the bottles of milk still standing outside the door of her uncle 's Mayfair rectory when she arrived there to luncheon on Quinquagesima Sunday .
29 We will look again at photosynthesis on page 93 .
30 It was crowded too with holiday-makers on package tours , all eager to fling themselves on the nearest beach and sweat their way into a tan .
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