Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Breeze now met the Vicar for the first time , and thought he was one of the most unconventional people she had ever seen .
2 As Mr Urbanec met the opposition for the first time , it appeared increasingly likely that his predecessor , Mr Milos Jakes , would eventually find himself behind bars .
3 Having calculated the profit for the first six months discuss whether the profit figure is a useful benchmark for measuring the performance of the business , and also whether it is useful as a guide to future profitability .
4 Ali failed to go the route for the first time in his career .
5 He had a full scrip of the small white flowers when he made the journey for the seventh time , and saw the three riders pace in at the gatehouse , and stood unobserved to watch Tutilo dismount , part amicably from his guards , and come wearily towards the gatehouse door , as if he would himself take the key and deliver himself dutifully back to his captivity .
6 The PACE Day Centre near Aylesbury has been using the technique for the last 3 years , but it could all be over in the next couple of days .
7 When using the machine for the first time , the manufacturers advise that the machine should be filled to capacity and then emptied , before re-filling and stripping .
8 Although Wright was missed by Gooch , low down at third slip off DeFreitas when 3 , the serious stuff began only when Tufnell was given the ball for the 26th over .
9 Detective Chief Superintendent Wycliffe and his wife , Helen , were to see the spectacle for the first time ; they were spending a long weekend with the Ballards , who lived on the moor above the town .
10 Equally , almost half had come to see the company for the first time .
11 A surge of elation rushed through his body as he read the note for the third time , unable to believe the implications of what he was reading .
12 Er , turning to the media investments , well we all tend to think that the er , the bids tended to be on the high side but er , at least Yorkshire got the licence for the next ten years and they have the option in ninety eight to go for a further ten years and I can tell you er , because I 've had er , lots of conversations with Clive that they 're really working on , on making the best improving their returns from that franchise and I 'm quite sure they 'll succeed .
13 And it was opener Metcalfe who got the chop for the second time this season after a run of indifferent form .
14 Eric Alston 's sprinter led the field for the first Sunday race at Doncaster a merry dance under Lester Piggott for just over five furlongs before fading behind Savoyard .
15 The line-up for the fourth Grand Slam Finals of the Vauxhall Indoor Tennis Trophy reflects a mixture of old and new , as former champions Queen 's Club make the grade for the fourth time , whilst Royal Berkshire earn a place in the last four for the first time in their debut Trophy season .
16 Turakina behaved as if she was seeing the offworlder for the first time .
17 He had often imagined seeing the enemy for the first time , but it was strange how very commonplace and yet how exciting this baptism was .
18 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
19 It 's usual to hang ceiling paper parallel with the main window in the room , but if you 're tackling the job for the first time and the room is noticeably shorter in one dimension , you may find it easier to manage shorter lengths and hang it the other way .
20 ‘ Watch me , Graham , ’ I insisted , as I tried the move for the third time .
21 There 's scores of Central South folk heading for Wales this weekend to ride and run in one of the great adventure races … its the annual Horse v Man V Mountain Bike challenge … local people have won the race for the last five years … and you can if the winning run or ride continues when we bring you the highlights on Monday …
22 Then he provided the springboard for the second with a long , perfectly-judged touch kick .
23 These two dimensions provided the basis for the first coherent theories about the connections between the peoples of the world .
24 However , the Chancellor decided to freeze the cap for the next tax year at its current level of £75,000 .
25 The main opposition party , the right-wing Community party ( Atassut ) , lost three seats , leaving it with eight , as some of its support went over to the Centre Party , which entered the legislature for the first time with two seats .
26 He had forgotten the incident , however , the moment they entered the jungle for the first time , riding on the little saddle ponies which Devraux 's Moi bearers had brought to the road from the hunting camp .
27 The right-wing Popular Party ( PP ) improved its position and the Alava Union ( UA ) , a new provincial splinter group of PP , entered the parliament for the first time .
28 The SPÖ won 47.7 per cent of the vote and 52 seats ( 54.9 per cent and 62 seats at the last elections in November 1987 — see p. 35792 ) ; the FPÖ won 22.6 per cent and 23 seats ( 9.7 per cent and eight seats in 1987 ) ; the Austrian People 's Party ( ÖVP ) won 18.1 per cent and 18 seats ( 28.4 per cent and 30 seats in 1987 ) ; and the Green Alternatives won over 9 per cent and thus entered the parliament for the first time with seven seats ( having won just under 5 per cent in 1987 ) .
29 On Nov. 29 the new Prime Minister carried out a large-scale reorganization of the ( now all-male ) Cabinet , retaining Hurd as Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary and appointing Norman Lamont as Chancellor of the Exchequer , while Heseltine became Environment Secretary ( a post which he had held under Thatcher in 1979-83 ) and two ministers entered the Cabinet for the first time : Ian Lang and David Mellor .
30 ‘ It would be terrific if we could win the title for the first time in 25 years . ’
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