Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] for [art] next " in BNC.

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1 Er , turning to the media investments , well we all tend to think that the er , the bids tended to be on the high side but er , at least Yorkshire got the licence for the next ten years and they have the option in ninety eight to go for a further ten years and I can tell you er , because I 've had er , lots of conversations with Clive that they 're really working on , on making the best improving their returns from that franchise and I 'm quite sure they 'll succeed .
2 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
3 However , the Chancellor decided to freeze the cap for the next tax year at its current level of £75,000 .
4 She defended successfully in 1888 , did not compete in 1889 and 1890 , but returned to challenge successfully in 1891 and retained the title for the next two years .
5 In 1441 he took over the work from two Venetian architects and supervised the work for the next three decades .
6 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
7 If a student asks a question to which the tutor can not give a satisfactory answer on the spur of the moment , he/she should make no attempt to bluff but frankly admit ignorance , and , possibly with the help of the class , set to work to find out the answer , or else undertake to find the answer for the next class .
8 I have found that as much as £2.50 needs to be spent just to obtain the outlook for the next day .
9 The Cabinet reshuffle on Sept. 16 — the first since January 1989 — was widely seen as paving the way for the next election , expected to be held ahead of the constitutional deadline of June 1992 .
10 It will show the date for the next 500 years .
11 In between performances the crew efficiently prepared the way for the next act .
12 This chapter has prepared the ground for the next few chapters which deal with the development of the euro.currency markets .
13 At its November meeting the Council failed to set a date for the next SAARC summit , originally scheduled for 1989 , after Sri Lanka formally declared its refusal , while Indian troops remained on its soil , to host the meeting as decided at the fourth summit in December 1989 in Islamabad , Pakistan [ for which see p. 36485 ] .
14 The first things Dipesh Shah did when he became managing director of BP Solar in March 1991 were to set a target for the next two years and to articulate it to everyone in the company .
15 By the time she found it , booked a ride for the next day and searched — without success — for tennis courts , and pushed the bike up the steep hill which led to the cottage , it was mid-afternoon .
16 Ajax join English clubs in European exile , as UEFA bans the club for the next two years they qualify for Europe , as punishment for the previous week 's crowd trouble , when the Austria Vienna goalkeeper was felled by a metal spike .
17 A team which can help shape the world for the next century .
18 Perhaps that 's why we have n't got a group for the next one .
19 And how do you hit the base of a thumb without dislocating what 's meant to be grasping a ski-pole for the next week ?
20 I eat a minimum for the next seven days .
21 He got a residency for the next year at the University of Kent and spent half the week in Canterbury .
22 As the 1992 Art Materials Exhibition looms over the horizon , I would like to share my experience from the last exhibition and make a plea for the next .
23 As the 1992 Art Materials Exhibition looms over the horizon , I would like to share my experience from the last exhibition and make a plea for the next .
24 The Purldrops Machine Knitting Club had re-elected the committee for the next year with Carole Porter as Chairperson and Jackie Scott as Secretary .
25 The amount of money in the float is recorded on a ‘ float slip ’ , and this amount is deducted when the day 's takings are cashed-up — to form the float for the next day .
26 Such relations both define the form of inequality between places at any one time and also help set the scene for the next form of uneven development .
27 This means accepting that the Westminster majority — the Tories — will set the agenda for the next four to five years ; and that Labour 's role is simply to legitimise the Tory programme by playing our part as Her Majesty 's official and loyal opposition .
28 Besides two short piano pieces from Sanctus , Words For The Dying also includes the luminous The Soul of Carmen Miranda , one of three spontaneous and highly promising recordings with Eno that will set the tone for the next album , ‘ a rock'n'roll record I can be happy with because the percussion wo n't hit me over the head . ’
29 Julia waited to give Raffaella the bad news until she had delivered her lesson , led a halting conversation in English about the future of Italy , handed out the previous week 's exercises that she had marked , and set the work for the next lesson .
30 Drink this pure and ‘ crystallised ’ water as soon as you wake up , and then refill the glass for the next time .
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