Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Breeze now met the Vicar for the first time , and thought he was one of the most unconventional people she had ever seen .
2 As Mr Urbanec met the opposition for the first time , it appeared increasingly likely that his predecessor , Mr Milos Jakes , would eventually find himself behind bars .
3 The dancing was still going on too , although Seb thought the playing of the fiddlers lacked the exuberance of the first night .
4 The Regional Council has just completed the provision of the first phase of access and servicing to the site , and is able to offer up to 4 development plots for sale or lease .
5 I try to kill the man with the first shot .
6 Building the cost into the first part of the proceedings , so that the cost was recovered as part of the original action , would hardly be practicable .
7 Often a successful project is followed by another , building the foundation of the first .
8 Indebted countries ' options depend on the magnitude of the debt , who lent the money in the first place , and on what terms .
9 Having calculated the profit for the first six months discuss whether the profit figure is a useful benchmark for measuring the performance of the business , and also whether it is useful as a guide to future profitability .
10 Ali failed to go the route for the first time in his career .
11 Few strategists would gainsay the primacy of the First Pillar — the defence of the British Isles — upon which the sovereignty of the realm depends ; though , paradoxically , the United Kingdom has usually been so secure behind its sea walls that Home Defence has been accorded the lowest allocation of resources .
12 And in one respect it 's not quite erm as straightforward as I 've made it appear , and perhaps after all I 'm not wrong in making the claim I did , because E P Thompson , the historian , erm was the person who really made the discovery in the first place , and it came about because he had been interested in the possible links between the Muddletonians and Blake , and this led him to ask questions which , in a roundabout way , led to the discovery of the archive .
13 You made the mess in the first place — remember ? ’
14 No company , after all , is better equipped to design a jamming device for a particular missile than the company that made the missile in the first place .
15 well I mean we had one girl did n't know what she was going about , but , you know , women do n't have all the work to do in the house and her dad helps at weekends and I said well who made the decision in the first place to do what
16 Jim Gardiner made the breakthrough in the first half , then Roddy Collins and Michael Cash finished things off with further goals in the last ten minutes .
17 He was the one who made the running in the first place , and I quite like him . ’
18 Yet again , if slightly more hardcore fans have n't already got ‘ Injected With A Poison ’ ( mix credited to Digital Orgasm , daft since they made the record in the first place ) or Sonz Of A Loop Da Loop Era , then they must have been in a coma for months .
19 In chapter six of Emendatio Vitae he says that man must either be burnt in this life with the fire of God 's love and of tribulation ( the last being a means to proving the strength of the first ) or , after this life , bitterly in hell — a perception that Eliot transposes into a modern idiom in Little Gidding : We only live , only suspire Consumed by either fire or fire .
20 When using the machine for the first time , the manufacturers advise that the machine should be filled to capacity and then emptied , before re-filling and stripping .
21 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
22 ‘ Not so much because of the liver but because it spoils the effect of the first drink of the evening . ’
23 Jack for one never forgave himself for encouraging the venture in the first place .
24 The claim of the second is a reason against accepting the claim of the first only when the two authorities are incompatible , as are the claims of two governments to be legitimate governments of one country .
25 The first relates to whether a set of standard conditions should govern the contract in the first place , and the second ( in the case where the parties exchange their respective sets of standard conditions ) to the question of which set shall govern the contract between the parties ( the so-called " battle of the forms " ) .
26 It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for , even if Crabb had returned safely , it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place .
27 Detective Chief Superintendent Wycliffe and his wife , Helen , were to see the spectacle for the first time ; they were spending a long weekend with the Ballards , who lived on the moor above the town .
28 Equally , almost half had come to see the company for the first time .
29 Behind it lay two political motives : first , to see the Plan as the first step towards an effective political integration , and second the political conviction that stability and union within Western Europe rested ultimately upon a rapprochement between France and West Germany .
30 ‘ I still do n't understand why the Milettis did n't try and stop-you handling the investigation in the first place if they feel so strongly about you . ’
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