Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This will , in turn , influence the value to the customer and the price he will be willing to pay .
2 This will , in turn , influence the value to the customer and the price he will be willing to pay .
3 Hitler flags lined all roads , pictures of Hitler decorated all houses , and garlands draped the entrance to every village ; hope and loyalty were prevalent everywhere !
4 Given the most rapid detection possible , the most effective means of transmitting the call to the fire services and their most prompt attendance , it is reasonable to suppose that in the absence of an effective automatic fire extinguishing system or even the benefit of a conventional one , that the fire will have reached a well advanced stage on their arrival .
5 ARGO is controlled by an IBM-PC , and will operate in a wide range of environments , storing data locally on floppy disk or transmitting the values to a collection site via telephone , radio or satellite links .
6 In the case of the Society for Biophysical Medicine , agency staff conducted the transcribing task themselves , and posted the information to the research project .
7 So too have the damages awarded by US courts against manufacturers found to have polluted the environment to a degree that has recently been decreed unacceptable .
8 The Asian security man unlocked the door to the documentary department office and loped off down the corridor with a distracted smile on his face .
9 His work in geology was of equal importance , since he developed a technique for viewing slivers of rock directly through a microscope ( by cementing the mineral to a glass plate and grinding it to an extreme thinness ) , thus allowing its structure to be visualized by direct microscopy , rather than through use of reflected light , which revealed only its surface qualities .
10 As he related the heroic tale of Paul Revere 's gallop through the night to alert the Americans to the arrival of the British Redcoats , the forty miles flew by and Perdita and Angel strained to catch every word .
11 The square brackets around Your Majesty in the English translation are presumably meant to alert the reader to the fact that the expression does not occur in the original , or that the translator is ‘ guessing ’ what might fill the subject slot in this case .
12 It is suggested that the reaction would be sufficient to alert the defendant to the fact that others may regard his conduct as insulting ; that is , he was aware of all the facts by virtue of which the tribunal of fact comes to the conclusion that his conduct was insulting , and that is sufficient .
13 When the council had organized a festival to alert the people to the plight of Nicaragua , she alone of all the neighbours had climbed into the mobile coffee shop , which the council had provided , to drink Nicaraguan coffee and read the Nicaraguan posters which adorned the bulkheads and bulwarks of the van .
14 For those who sell themselves into a like dominion , paying down the price of their own honour , and throwing their soul into the balance to sink the scale to the level of their lusts , must win deliverance hardly .
15 In the small mezzanine ‘ A ’ -Control Room stood the producer , his eye on the second-hand of the wall-clock and his right hand raised to signal the start to the conductor who watched him from the studio .
16 In particular , he did not take the opportunity to restore the land to the heir general , his close ally Ralph lord Neville , but simply added it to his fund of patronage .
17 In particular , he did not take the opportunity to restore the land to the heir general , his close ally Ralph lord Neville , but simply added it to his fund of patronage .
18 ‘ How is Kathleen ? ’ she asked , to give herself some time and in an effort to restore the conversation to a level on which she could cope .
19 Labour is certain to retain its commitment to spend more on the health service with a promise to restore the resources to the hospital sector it has lost in real terms since being in office .
20 Both games showed the tremendous amount of work needed in the Republic to restore the team to the top in international terms .
21 Our liability under the policy is to restore the property to a sound condition .
22 Many of these halls have been restored but , though the craftsmanship is good and great care has been taken , the task was too extensive to permit the finance necessary to restore the buildings to the standard of richness that they had originally .
23 The purpose of an order under section 6(2) must be to restore the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
24 The court has power under section 6(2) to order the contravener to ‘ take such steps as the court may direct ’ to restore the parties to the transaction to their former position .
25 The question is in what circumstances the court may , on the application of the S.I.B. , order persons who were knowingly concerned in the unauthorised carrying on of investment business under section 3 of the Act to take steps to restore the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
26 That would be a major inroad into a constitutional safeguard and would expose the courts to the risk of pressure from interested third parties .
27 That would be a major inroad into a constitutional safeguard and would expose the courts to the risk of pressure from interested third parties .
28 If you are holidaying in a hot climate , do not expose the camcorder to the sun for long periods , and take a neutral density filter along with you if the light is likely to be particularly brilliant ( sunlight on snow , for example ) to avoid the risk of spoiling shots through over exposure .
29 Do not expose the camcorder to the sun for long periods .
30 Exclusion from the Regulation will , therefore , expose the parties to a merger to fines ; attack of the legal validity of the merger in the national courts ; and parallel national competition investigations .
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