Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] time to [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 Resting on three stones above the flames was a large copper pan full of milk , which Sigarup stirred from time to time as it was boiling .
2 Later , years and enchanted years later , it seemed , she lay enfolded in the hard warmth of his arms , shivering from time to time as memory of the passion and intensity of their lovemaking rocked her slender frame all over again .
3 The one I have chosen is this — brief , informal letters , written from time to time as our work proceeds , in a plain , straightforward style , as it might be to a friend .
4 Heavy reclamation walls were built from time to time as the docks were extended seawards and today , the dock estate lies entirely on land reclaimed from the foreshore .
5 Even so , he continued in royal service , acting from time to time as royal negotiator and adviser , notably at times of crisis .
6 He was employed on the reconstruction of the bishop of Winchester 's palace at Wolvesey , and he acted from time to time as architect as well as builder .
7 It had been the custom since Gilkes 's day for masters to meet monthly to discuss the boys ' progress , and now a simple record card contained all the necessary information , supplemented from time to time as necessary , and formed the basis of this report .
8 Again , since truth is held to be individual and also fallible , rulership will be both conditional and also temporary ; because clearly the views as to what is true and therefore proper for government to act upon will change from time to time as opinion fluctuates amongst the body of the people .
9 tug arrived , and the poor wreck had been towed away , still under water , but surfacing from time to time as though she had still not quite admitted defeat .
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