Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] an [adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean that was made abundantly clear by Mr Topham , who represented the Parish Council at the site meeting , whe when er one of the senior planning officers was present , so it 's an absolute nonsense if they 've gone and encouraged the developers to go for an even higher roof line .
2 As the advancing British , Soviet and Yugoslav forces closed in on southern Austria , this left enormous numbers of fugitives being squeezed into an ever smaller area .
3 A word in the wrong place , a petty curse pursued into an even pettier vendetta and Hessian could crush clog for a lifetime .
4 Final commodity prices will fall to an even greater extent than the actual saving in carrying costs if improved transport also breaks down local monopolies .
5 The result has been that sea walls have had to take the brunt of the power of waves and currents at high tide , which erodes them and requires rebuilding on an ever larger scale .
6 With its polygonal towers and decorative banding in the imperial style of Constantinople , Caernarfon was envisaged as the state capital of a future dynasty of English princes of Wales , and was designed on an altogether grander scale than its contemporaries .
7 The main attraction at the Caribe is the large pool surrounded by an even larger sun terrace equipped with table football and a pool table and for the very energetic , there 's also a good tennis court next to the pool .
8 In fact , the Old Boys should have won by an even bigger margin as they missed almost as many chances as they converted .
9 Safety watchdogs hope for an even greater improvement this week .
10 That a creature of his should fall into mortal sin , and that of a violent kind , was astonishment enough , but that this pliable mortal should ever undertake personal action of any kind came as an even greater shock .
11 In 1912 Edison introduced the compatible ‘ Blue Amberol ’ records made of an even tougher plastic ; and it is generally accepted that Blue Amberols had a better , higher fidelity performance than any other medium before the First World War .
12 The vague reformism of the epoch was , in these circles , channelled into an even vaguer brand of aristocratic constitutionalism which revived the claims of the old ‘ rich men ’ ( ricos hombres ) of Castile ; grandees could stomach rule by career bureaucrats but the career of court favourite was an aristocratic preserve not to be exercised by the ‘ sausage maker ’ , Godoy .
13 Samples have been collected from an even wider area covering the whole of the United Kingdom continental shelf , but these have yet to be analysed and the results entered on the database .
14 And her companion answered in an even louder voice , ‘ It 's one of them tinny things .
15 Take out £15,000 or more and you 'll benefit from an even lower rate of interest ( APR 19.7% variable ) .
16 Since the same concept occurs in an even stronger form among groups like the Pathans who still retain their tribal structure , it is possible that this particular form of family identity originated in the strife- and tension-ridden relationships between Muslim tribes .
17 The declining number of school leavers , many of whom enter nursing , will result in an even greater shortage of students of nursing than was experienced in the late 1960s .
18 The outcome was a victory for household over institutional authority : the teacher , transferred to an even smaller school , in an even remoter oasis , was seen to have been punished .
19 Recurrent bursts of petitioning on an ever larger scale played a central part in developing and maintaining the dynamic of anti-slave trade agitation up to 1792 and of the emancipation campaign from 1823 .
20 She had already found herself in isolation over progress to monetary union and the endorsement of a social charter of workers ' rights , and it became clear that the new European Community order would be built on an even closer alliance of France and West Germany .
21 Of course during the er during the course of this year we will be considering prototypes which will enable those young people to reach that high level of qualification but he will be aware that under the national training and education target there are some of those targets which are directly related to the points that he has raised and the important priority for this government is to ensure not only that we have young people training to an even higher level but through programmes like investors in people , that we encourage every member of the work force and those er who are primarily unemployed at the present time , to train to even higher levels of qualifications .
22 Within moments of leaving the kitchen , Lucy 's annoyance was stirred to an even greater degree when she discovered Doreen already settled in the minibus that would be driven by Silas .
23 The problem of the trade balance is caused by the fact that imports have risen at an even faster rate , a most unusual phenomenon during such a severe recession .
24 One famous photograph from the past captures a rare moment of fear when the impetuous Bremner playing an early game for Leeds United is threatened by an even tougher adversary , the Spurs and Scotland halfback Dave ‘ Tiger ’ McKay .
25 Jack and Hayter sampled the main east-west road at several points inside the defences , revealing a twofold sequence involving an earlier roadway 9m ( 29½ ft ) wide , with sandstone-lined drains on one or both sides , overlain by an often narrower road with a central open channel .
26 Beck , who had defeated Aki Ohmachi of Japan 8 and 6 in the first round , was heading for an even bigger defeat .
27 It is obviously highly desirable that middle-class youngsters and students drop out of smoking — even in this country , they do so in relatively high numbers — but that concentrates with an even stronger focus the efforts of the tobacco and advertising industries on youngsters who do not come from such categories .
28 As well as being able to select from an even wider range of information , Prestel customers can actually make bookings and have them confirmed and will , increasingly , be able to buy a wide range of goods and services using their credit cards to pay .
29 It is about the thickness of a coat of paint , and has a strong adhesive which sticks instantly to most surfaces , and cures to an even stronger bond .
30 Because the discussion of these criteria is associated with a fresh and more promising period in the history of memory research , and also symbolizes the point in my own research trajectory at which I switched from working on imprinting to an even simpler form of learning in the young chick , they can appropriately form the starting-point for the next chapter .
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