Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] an [adj] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Poland had by now withdrawn most of its trade through the city to its own port at Gdynia , and the Reich could hardly be expected to maintain or guarantee for an indefinite period the subsidy the city required.20 Lipski and Göring agreed that Germany and Poland should draw together in an understanding that they would jointly stabilise the city if the League should either collapse or decide to withdraw from Danzig .
2 This logic is set out in a manner that illustrates in an exemplary way the structuralist intention to map out all the possibilities of literature as distinct from its actual manifestations .
3 It is essential to establish at an early stage the significance of the properties to the operations and overall value of the target business .
4 if income arises in an overseas company owned by an overseas settlement the income can not be taxed upon the settlor under this section ( the " see-through " provision which is now abolished in s681(1) ( b ) never did apply to Chapter II ) ; 2. no reference is made to the domicile of the settlor in Chapter II of Part XV unlike Chapter III ( see s681(1) ) ; 3. no reference is made in s663 to the Case under which the tax charge is to arise .
5 Essentially , of course , a freehold is seen as an appreciating asset the value of which can be realised for the benefit of the firm free from tax ( where the proceeds of sale are reinvested in other firm property ) .
6 For a moment I thought the heat from the bung-hole might incinerate my brows , but when I squinted beneath an outstretched palm the sight stole my breath .
7 Into these was merged in an undefined manner the army of the German General von Linsingen , whose forces consisted of both Austrian and German formations .
8 For example , if a new part is made from an existing part the new part 's attribute refers to this original design and only the alterations need be stored as the new drawing file .
9 According to an old story the Devil , intending to win the souls of the Basques , tried to learn their language , but after seven years of unremitting study had mastered only three words .
10 Non-Greeks exploited to an unprecedented extent the opportunity of telling the Greeks in the Greek language something about their own history and religious traditions .
11 If the context shows that a word is used in an unusual sense the court will determine in other words what that unusual sense is .
12 From the above we can see that so long as investment goods , particularly fixed assets , are being produced on an increased scale the effect on business conditions is favourable .
13 We also going to identify at an early stage the financial resources that will be in next year in order to meet our obligation with identifying worthwhile all the time and then by a course of are reserved er to , to support
14 I am increasingly concerned that validators increasingly fail to use as an important criterion the total experience of a student .
15 You fully know as an old pressman the difficulty of dealing with a big speech late at night …
16 The 864 legislation mentions en passant in what sounds like an urban context the selling of bread and meat per denerarios : by pennyworths ( ninth-century hamburgers ? ) — which may imply more about normal price levels than Charlemagne 's decree in the famine year of 794 that a penny should buy 12 two-lb. wheaten loaves .
17 However , language aside , emigration undoubtedly raised in an acute form the question of where a man or woman belonged ( see also chapter 5 above ) .
18 Mr Ford , as befitted an engineer , possessed a methodical nature ; he made a careful scrutiny of the sepoy encampment and noted on an improvised map the location of various groups and regiments ; he also came to deduce , by painstakingly observing the arrival and departure of ammunition carts , the position of the main sepoy magazine .
19 As an example of a seminar based on an observed lesson the following will serve .
20 Both sides noted at an official ceremony the following day that the transfer of JNA troops , facilities and equipment had proceeded without serious incident .
21 The fundamental issue is this that if the Labour Party is to remain a party of labour it must have as an integral part the trade union movement , it 's as simple as that , colleagues !
22 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
23 A point worth making here is that patients need to understand from an early stage the meaning of diabetes , that they have diabetes now and that they will always have it .
24 Whilst one objective is to reduce to an absolute minimum the range of products held there is a point at which rationalisation leads to a loss of efficiency and results in increased , rather than reduced , costs .
25 In these situations they are able to contribute information and guidance regarding the problems that pupils have with visual activities and to consider on an individual basis the compounding effect that these may have in terms of the other disabilities from which the child may suffer .
26 This quaint description is not a manifestation of that well-known British chauvinism and insularity , but refers to an odd habit the human animal has of inserting bits and pieces of various shapes and sizes into different holes and orifices .
27 The regionalist novel represented a kind of literary discovery of America , in that it revealed to an urban public the conditions of life in the remote , underdeveloped areas of the continent 's interior : the plains ; the jungle ; the Andes .
28 Following a day of workshops , discussion and contributions from the floor , the conference unanimously passed a resolution mandating the organisers to seek meetings with government and other interested parties to discuss the unemployment problem , and to monitor on an ongoing basis the impact of government economic and social policies .
29 The boy sat hunched on the edge of his bed , his slight shoulders rigid ; the green eyes followed with an uneasy glitter the deliberate progress of his captor 's elegant , muscular hand through a meagre yard of air , and lived through a wilderness of reluctance and temptation during its passage .
30 Stepson of a rabbi and product of a broken home , Laszlo was brought up in an orphanage , and it is clear that from a very early age this intense , obstinate man sought not only to bring order to his own life but to control to an unprecedented degree the environment of his future family .
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