Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Goes for it in that sort of way .
2 He had lived with his past for the best part of fifty years , and his book tells what he had come to know of it over that interval of time , with help from the theories of Marx and Freud .
3 I mean I guess I 've got as many inner tensions as most of us , but I do n't think of it in that way .
4 Well , of course , it is inevitable that one thinks of it from that angle from the way one has been brought up but actually one ca n't think of anything more barbaric than the Crucifixion and that way of killing somebody .
5 ( 2 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to it in that behalf by : ( a ) the executors , representatives or disponees of any person who held a licence in respect of premises situated within the area of the board and who has died before the expiry of the licence ; or ( b ) the trustee , judicial factor or curator bonis of any person holding such a licence who has become bankrupt , insolvent or incapable before the expiry of the licence ; transfer the licence to the applicant if the applicant is in possession of the premises .
6 ( 3 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to it in that behalf by a person other than an individual natural person , substitute another employee or agent of the applicant for the employee or agent mentioned in section 11 or 26 of this Act .
7 I think w w what I 'd urge the panel to consider is is perhaps looking at it from that perspective , to encourage the County Council to review the phasing provision of policy H one erm in terms of er how the the committed land is going to be released for development .
8 And er looking at it from that light it was er obviously a better proposition .
9 Whatever claims for the English language he may wish to make from a supposedly technical , linguistic perspective , he can not assume that attributing ‘ objectivity ’ to it is unproblematic , or that the meaning attributed to it within that sub-culture can safely be carried over into cross-cultural correlations with the features of certain languages and grammars .
10 It probably sums up the case and we can discuss it and perhaps add to it at that time .
11 If you look at it within that context , these cadenzas by Leppard are rather conventional .
12 which make it easier for you to stop and a lot of people do n't have the choice to stop , if you look at it in that sense .
13 But , when you look at it in that context it becomes very much erm , part of your life , and it takes an awful lot to break that habit and there 's no help .
14 And if we look at it from that standpoint I think we can begin to see , perhaps , that actually we 're all programmers , some of us less clear about it than others .
15 So can you er look at it in that light and you will see of course that and I can understand why Mr has done it in this way , he has actually broken down er his the approach to this to looking at this criterion , under the three heads , road , rail and bus .
16 To look at it from that point of view .
17 However I must have played with it for that tool set led to Dad 's most embarrassing moment — something which he never ever let me forget .
18 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
19 So if your voice is quick , make sure you put in pauses , or find some other method of coping with it in that way .
20 So we did n't go about it in that way .
21 You must tackle a warren as though you intend to do a good job at it ; there 's precious little point or pleasure in dabbling with it for that way you achieve very little .
22 This last the verderers thought the least likely course because the escape had been made nearer to the north of the depression than the south and it would therefore take a day longer to get round it on that side .
23 I bin pretty 'ard put to it in that kitchen lately , ’ he said , passing his hand through his thick greying hair .
24 Shall we talk about it over that cup of tea ? ’
25 And because also that it was er partly the , the directors ' money that was being poured into it at that time , we knew all these things , and they were expecting a , a return back from it .
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