Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a long [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
2 Long experience suggests that magnetic disks have seen off a long series of challenges over the past 15 years — but a review of the survival and thriving of the technology gives a very partial and inadequate view .
3 These fundamental axioms were refined , clarified and applied through a long series of debates and conflicts with the Liberal Theology in which he had been trained , and which he had earlier enthusiastically followed , with the claims of the Führer to be the chosen instrument of divine providence , and with colleagues , notably Emil Brunner ( 1889–1966 ) , Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) and Friedrich Gogarten ( 1887 — 1967 ) , whose approaches , though having some affinities with his own , he felt in the end to be in varying degrees unsatisfactory .
4 Pipe cutters consist of a long pair of handles , with a very heavy bicycle-chain-type construction with cutting wheels in the centre .
5 The BBC found itself embroiled in a long series of disputes with the government , partly over its financing , partly over alleged anti-government reporting of such episodes as the Libyan bombing raids in 1986 ( covered by an able woman reporter , Kate Adie ) .
6 A Circular on this subject ( to appear in July 1965 as 10/65 , probably the best known of a long series of Ministry and Department of Education and Science circulars ) was already in draft , but Tony Crosland was anxious to improve it .
7 Question time , which might be used to investigate major issues of general public interest , degenerates into a long series of requests for information about individual cases : 333 out of the 357 questions put to the Minister for Social Welfare in October and November 1983 fell into this category .
8 It was a natural response to the advent of nuclear weapons to concentrate on means of limiting or even abolishing them ; and this response has led to a long series of arms control and disarmament negotiations at Geneva and elsewhere .
9 We know that Eworth can be associated with a long series of signed pictures bearing his monogram HE .
10 Breeding success , judging from a long series of reports from Rye , has also changed little since 1947 ; the Rye figures show an average brood size ranging from 5.7 to 9.7 , and averaging 7.8 .
11 They refrained from responding to a long series of statements by senior Chinese officials which contradicted both the letter and the spirit of the Joint Declaration - including an assurance , for example , that the post-1997 Hong Kong press would be free for ‘ as long as it did not publish anything detrimental to China 's national interest ’ .
12 As Ken Plummer observes , whereas once it was the homosexual who was viewed as sick , now it might be the heterosexual who is charged with pathology : ‘ Whereas once the homosexual was identified by a long series of character traits , it is now possible to identify the traits of the homophobe : authoritarian , cognitively restricted , with gender anxieties , ( Plummer , ‘ Homosexual Categories ’ , 62 ) .
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