Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [num ord] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He may with good reason be regarded as the first of that long line of professional civil servants who did more than any others to make and destroy the medieval Church : they were professional administrators , equipped to forward the interests of government not by main force but by negotiation amidst the intricate issues of law and theology ; men of international standing , retaining the respect of their opponents , and not too hatefully or too personally involved in the cause which they were required to maintain .
2 And you , my dear Mary , respected though your name is — you are insufficiently regarded as the first of that invaluable breed , preceeding them by at least one whole generation !
3 They were made to stand and wait in the first of these .
4 Note that the law relating to the last of these excuses , concerning distance to school from home and transport arrangements , has been amended following the decision of the House of Lords in Rogers v Essex County Council ( 1986 ) .
5 Many people would claim that the role of science is confined to the first of these and that theoretical physics will have achieved its goal when we have obtained a complete set of local physical laws .
6 and other relationships are subsumed under the second of these categories , for example :
7 Here we focus on the first of these .
8 In what follows we focus on the last of these — the possibility that debt finance may shift the burden by passing on a reduced capital stock — but the reader may like to consider the other two aspects .
9 In looking at the first of these it must be recognized that no map , however detailed or carefully compiled , can perfectly represent the ‘ ground truth ’ , while in the second instance , the digitizing process merely serves to compound the errors present in the original map ( Poiker 1982 ; Blakemore 1984 ) .
10 Although he suggests that the three possibilities need not be mutually exclusive , Baker 's sympathies clearly lie with the last of these ; but many scientists still need convincing that man can make use of a built-in magnetic compass , even if he possesses one .
11 Now if we look at the first of these in terms of structure we can see that it can be defined as a dramatic exercise , fulfilling the principal requisite of exercise as outlined in Chapter Three — a commitment to a short-term task .
12 Discussion revealed that women 's interests lay very much with lambing , first aid , dairy husbandry and financial management although quite a few were doubtful about their capacity to cope with the last of these subjects .
13 British firms have been struggling with the first of these for the past 18 months , and for the past six or so have also suffered from the second .
14 However , the contractual commitment stems from the first of those calls on the basis that it is followed up by the time agreed .
15 It was vessels employed in the last of these uses which were most commonly decorated with religious figures and scenes .
16 … The horoscope in the Queen prophesies disaster for nearly everyone I know on the 16th of this month ( with the New Moon ) .
17 However , he got out of the commitment and at the age of 20 embarked on the first of many journeys to Europe .
18 In his manner of thought and sympathies , Anselm belonged to the first of these two periods , both with regard to the organization of the Church and the supremacy of the monastic foundations which had maintained the spiritual life of Europe for three or four hundred years .
19 If we pivot in the first of these , as indicated in the tableau , we obtain P3/T2 in which θ = θ .
20 We then talked about the first of those two towers of Tower Bridge if you remember which was about the skills that we need for er delivery .
21 The editors talk about the first of these , and present the volume as a contribution to the necessary project of challenging theory .
22 If we decided through the first of these two methods , which begins with moral assessment of each individual 's record one by one , that each shareholder was indeed responsible for a share of the loss , then we might well report our conclusion in the language of personification .
23 Elisabeth Leonskaja opts for the second of these views in her performance of No. 1 , and the deliberate- sounding first movement that results is not altogether convincing .
24 The main debate within planning has focused on the first of these types of development .
25 The information provided on the fourth of these programmes is shown in figure 3.3 Similar approaches have yet to be adopted in Britain .
26 Including a review of material already published about women and philosophy , she distinguishes between female , feminine and feminist points of view , and then , focusing on the first of these , she considers how philosophy could or would be affected by the inclusion of more women in its institutional structures .
27 The light rested on the last of these for some while , then moved upward , searching the end wall .
28 It last met on the 8th of this month .
29 In the economics of oligopolistic markets the distinction between ‘ explicit ’ and ‘ tacit ’ collusion turns on the first of these elements .
30 Here we have stumbled on the first of many .
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