Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [noun pl] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The attention of members is drawn to the decision of the Divisional Court of Appeal in the case of Rowe & Maw v Commissioners of Customs and Excise decided on 6th March , and reported in The Times of 8th March .
2 It was reported in The Times of 6th March 1975 that Mr Toffrey Reeves , a surveyor for the National House Owners Association , which is a cut-price conveyancing group operating in England , was ordered in the High Court on 5th March to pay £3,000 damages to a client for failing to detect structural defects in the house he bought .
3 Interest earned on the proceeds of last year 's £572m rights issue will account for a sizeable slice .
4 Various quotations were considered by the Goldsmiths on 1st July and the contract was awarded to the Warrington company of Hinde and Haddock , at an estimated cost of £3,526 .
5 For instance , if the directors of the smaller company have had to issue consideration shares at a significant discount to the market price in order to persuade shareholders of the larger company to accept the offer the minority may argue that not only have they been diluted unfairly but also that this has resulted in control passing into the hands of third parties and that they are , effectively , investors in an entirely different company without having been given the opportunity to accept an offer or exercise their rights of challenge under CA 1985 , s430C .
6 One slightly frustrating aspect of this book is the lack of a bibliography , meaning that one has to go hunting in the footnotes for first references .
7 On the other hand , caution should be adopted in the interests of third parties , and there should be a reluctance to assume that the treaty has been amended to alter the objects and purposes of an organisation .
8 Postal notice of confirmation was made to the owners on 1st April .
9 Postal notice of confirmation was made to the owners on 1st April .
10 She glanced over at him again , struggling against the memories of last night , the way it had felt to have those strong , tanned hands touching her , caressing her …
11 Under an Indian sun , the crowd moved briskly along the prom , chattering about the events of last night ( ‘ You would have thought she 'd be too tired for that sort of thing ’ ) and hoping , with an optimism undimmed by experience , that the day 's events would be as entertaining as they would be inspiring .
12 So as to comply with the requirements of second normal form , two relations will be formed from the relation and this is shown as figure 3.25 .
13 She puts her soiled breakfast things in the sink , already crammed with the relics of last night 's supper , and hurries upstairs . )
14 His troops were left outside that city throughout the entire bitter winter of 1942–1943 , resulting in the loss of a quarter of a million German troops when they eventually surrendered to the Russians on 2nd , February 1943 .
15 Like most basic rules , they can be broken very successfully and creatively sometimes , but it is best to stick to the rules at first .
16 These Accounts were approved by the Directors on 16th June 1993 .
17 There are still quite a few trees and bushes festooned with the fruits of last year .
18 To cut a long story short , Ecotopia describes a society geared to the needs of Twentieth century people which is nevertheless ecologically sustainable .
19 The numbers of seats secured approximated to the quotas of first preference votes expressed and the only exception to this was the special case of North Down ( see below ) .
20 It was argued that the Tin Council entered into the transactions with third parties as agent acting on behalf of the member States as undisclosed principal .
21 He stood with his back to the fireplace , still glowing with the remains of last night 's fire .
22 Viola Machin , clearly , had recovered from the shocks of last night .
23 The impression that several Northampton players were suffering from the effects of last Tuesday 's victory at Leicester was endorsed afterwards , and rarely could Olver , Bayfield and Shelford have had such ineffective games .
24 Coming on the heels of last week 's selling — some would call it over-selling — the endorsement provided a welcome boost to trading at the start of the new three-week account .
25 The families of the victims were reluctant to co-operate with the police at first because they felt the staff at the hospital where Allitt was a student nurse — the Grantham and Kesteven — had done a wonderful job .
26 Much wordy delving into the super-minutiae of fifteenth century iconography , particularly obsessive although informative about the Circumcision , sometimes taking several pages to reach an obvious conclusion , occasionally illuminating , often maddeningly obfuscating .
27 ‘ May we just go over the events of last night again ? ’ asked Montgomery , his incisive brain stringing together the salient points of a decidedly hesitant statement .
28 As he went over the events of last Saturday night once more he recalled the complex thudding of the expertly played drum , and his rush into the derelict asylum out-building .
29 He was a local man , born within ii myles of Stopporte " , and had been appointed by the Goldsmiths on 28th October 1534 .
30 The latter , supported by a petition signed by the Mayor , Francis Harpur , and 120 others , and by a statement from the Rector , Thomas Johnson , that he was " fit and able to teach a Grammar School " , was appointed by the Goldsmiths on 9th April 1651 .
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