Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The qualities which make a girl smart and successful at her work would similarly make for her success in the marriage market . "
2 Dr Susan Walker , water resources manager for the north-west of England region of the National Rivers Authority , and president-elect of the British Hydrological Society , is honoured for her support of the activities of the university 's department of civil and offshore engineering .
3 The authoritarian paterfamilias presided over the institutionalisation of the double standard , while the pedestalised mother and wife depended for her purity on the degradation of the fallen woman .
4 Last night , as Lesley fought for her life in the intensive care unit at the Royal Liverpool hospital , a 28-year-old man was being questioned by police .
5 Completely new to the Company , I know that I have a lot to learn and I 'd particularly like to thank for her help during the changeover .
6 Tonight , she would rest and not think about her future until the morning .
7 But , looking on the bright side , she might have more idea of how to proceed after her visit to the cuttings library that afternoon .
8 She never bought more , nor less , than she would need for her housekeeping for the next 24 hours .
9 Sister Marjorie Bell , later decorated for her bravery in the Lewisham Rail Crash was in charge of the case .
10 And the woman respected for her concern for the sick and deprived is told : ‘ Not to love is not to live , or it is to live a living death .
11 He could n't wait for her return to the Hit Factory .
12 Ellen offered me a poisonous smile , but I had no time to worry about her distaste for the militaristic para-medic .
13 Britta did n't understand , but she was reminded of her mind-trip inside the simulacrum of Pool .
14 Ianthe was reminded of her meeting with the nun in the Underground the day before and Sophia remarked that nowadays some of them seemed hardly to be cloistered at all .
15 Things did go wrong … she 'd trusted in the powers of justice and compassion before , and she 'd lost her mother … she 'd trusted Mortimer with her friendship and he 'd betrayed her … trusted Guy with the whole of her heart and soul last night and all the time he 'd been laughing behind her back at the ‘ sexy redhead ’ from Chesters …
16 The 14 year old girl was attacked near her home on the Grovelands estate in Kidlington .
17 Soon after Beatrice came back to Paris , Modigliani moved into her studio on the Rue de Montparnasse , his large drawings of caryatids on the walls .
18 Rachel stepped out into the sunlight , clouds of white silk and taffeta rustling as she moved with her father to the double doors .
19 She paused for a moment remembering how from her earliest days she had sat with her father in the small shed working the leather .
20 Mrs Jessie Swalwell , of Spitalfields , Yarm , was caught with her bicycle in the middle of the crowds .
21 The result of social and cognitive tests administered to the children between the ages of one and three obliged the authors to conclude that their data provided ‘ little or no support for the notion that how a mother interacts with her baby during the baby 's first few months of life has any particular consequences for later social or cognitive development ’ .
22 [ PAMELA , with hands tied , is carried with her bundle round the stage by LINCOLNSHIRE ROBIN and dumped unceremoniously stage centre . ]
23 She was used to her old mistress 's pallor , to the skeleton thinness , to the heavy , bruised-looking eyes but walking into her bedroom on the beautiful summer 's morning and looking towards the bed she was stopped in her progress and forced to control the exclamation of horror that rose to her lips .
24 A murmur lifted in her throat like the sound of the wind blowing .
25 ‘ The drug 's taken effect at last , ’ Nancy said to herself as she rose from her position beside the bed .
26 Alarmed , Mrs Rosalia Alderley rose from her chair beside the bed , and fidgeted back and forth , not knowing what to do .
27 She rose from her chair at the little antique bureau which stood in the attic window space , bent down and fumbled for the catch of the secret drawer which she had found there .
28 Her main interests were the cinema and horse-racing ; she drew upon her knowledge of the latter in Brat Farrar ( 1949 ) , a novel featuring a false claimant to an estate .
29 She drew in her breath at the simplicity of it , wondering why she had n't thought of it before , and it excited her so much she put forward the suggestion without stopping to think if it was wise .
30 Her commitment to the welfare of others stemmed from her involvement in the Christian Movement for Peace at Oxford .
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