Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [det] [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 Whether local government would be allowed to go through the same process is difficult to say .
2 The Foreign Office says although the concern of independent UK-based groups for the welfare of those trapped in the former Yugoslavia is understandable , they strongly advise against unofficial missions .
3 Either that report or a summary of it or a basic valuation prepared from the same materials is used by the building society for the purposes of section 13 .
4 Why so many of the other directors chose to sell at the same time is not known to me .
5 Another phrase that 's often used for the same thing is your statutory rights .
6 The kinetic energy lost by a body of mass m rising through the same distance is remarkably similar : .
7 In itself , the occurrence of both infinitive forms in the same context is in flagrant contradiction with the idea of meaningless contextual variation .
8 The fact that vocational architecture students are taught in the same department is a particularly positive aspect because it results in expertise in all fields of building design being readily available to the historian .
9 One popular religious writer who thinks that they believe in the same god is John Hick .
10 Closing on the same day is the confrontation between the work of Carmelo Arden and Roger Desserprit made during the years of the association with the Madi group in the 1950s .
11 ‘ What we must have at the same time is a greater level of consistency and the kind of spirit that was evident against Rangers . ’
12 What has not been developed to the same extent is the suggestiveness of his work on the novel for theories of genre , a suggestiveness which I will only touch on here , but which seems to me to be worth a great deal more investigation and discussion .
13 Since the temperature within the nest is kept constant and the composition of the wax is uniform , the degree to which the wall bends under the same force is an accurate measure of its thickness .
14 The main characteristic of rejuvenation terraces and breaks of slope in the valley side caused by the same process is that the terraces are essentially paired , so that they occur at the same elevation on both sides of the valley .
15 Analysis of the population dynamics and associated genetics of Trifolium repens in the same pasture is even more revealing .
16 " The force between two currents flowing in the same direction is attractive . " )
17 The reason the two items appeared on the same day is your Editor 's responsibility .
18 However , the energy removed by the latter process is directly dissipated , reappearing as heat , whereas the action of the Reynolds stress provides energy for the turbulence .
19 A stallion that behaves in the same way is psychologically more threatening to us , but it is best to respond with tact — to stroke the horse briefly and then to leave it in peace .
20 Not that he was playing any flash lead parts but to keep a strong rhythm part going and sing at the same time is rather like having to twiddle both your thumbs in opposite directions at the same time .
21 The fact that the vendor company and my client are both controlled by the same individual is , I believe , irrelevant , as the unexpired portion of the lease was professionally valued by an independent third party .
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