Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [noun] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are compelled ’ , wrote Dicey , ‘ to search for the guidance of first principles . ’
2 Bismuth salts and treatment by a sinble antibiotic fail to eradicate H pylori in a noteworthy proportion , but combined treatment regimens comprising bismuth salts and two antibiotics ( for example , metronidazole plus amoxicillin or tetracycline ) eradicated H pylori in most of the treated patients and is recommended as the treatment of first choice to eradicate H pylori in duodenal ulcer disease .
3 You may need to stand behind the patient at first , to encourage him to move correctly and not in a ‘ dot and carry , pattern .
4 If such a claim is made , the Commission may decide that there is no such distinct market ( in which case the member state concerned can appeal to the Court of First Instance ) or it may continue to deal with the merger itself , with particular reference to competition in the market concerned .
5 Reverting to the decision at first instance in the Leighton case , the report of the argument shows that the provisions of section 82(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1925 were drawn to the attention of Luxmoore J. We feel no doubt that he would have appreciated that , even in the absence of a successful plea of forgery or non est factum , the section would in terms have conferred a discretion on the court to rectify the charges register , even as against the innocent chargees .
6 Though the five years they spent here were to be ultimately clouded by the death of first their eldest daughter in 1869 and then a few months later their infant son , it was probably the happiest period in their marriage , and they enjoyed social life with the local landowning gentry .
7 Finally she said , ‘ Yes , I did enjoy looking after the house at first , because I knew Peter appreciated it , and he did things for me .
8 I heard , when I started looking into the project at first that erm , the women used to do most of the weaving but you do n't actually do the weaving now , and they used to basically you know make up the , the larger part of the work force , is that the case now ?
9 I did n't like living in the hotel at first .
10 ‘ Great Expectations ’ is written in the style of first person narrative with a middle aged Pip telling the principal events , characters and motives which changed and shaped his life .
11 One slightly frustrating aspect of this book is the lack of a bibliography , meaning that one has to go hunting in the footnotes for first references .
12 It was pipped to the post for first UK practice by West Country-based Bishop Fleming , which received the right to display the IP 's laurel wreath emblem in April .
13 This " shape " is determined by looking at the range of first step behaviours open to the process .
14 Primary data is collected by the researcher at first hand , mainly through surveys , interviews , or participant observation .
15 Like most basic rules , they can be broken very successfully and creatively sometimes , but it is best to stick to the rules at first .
16 They have to consider whether staff are able to develop procedures and guidelines accommodating HIV/AIDS in the absence of having to deal with the problem at first hand . ’
17 so that the exhaust gases from the engine escaped into the atmosphere without first passing through the silencer , expansion chamber or other contrivance required to be fitted by the Motor Vehicles ( Construction and Use ) Regulations .
18 ‘ so that the exhaust gases from the engine escaped into the atmosphere without first passing through the silencer , expansion chamber or other contrivance required to be fitted by the Motor Vehicles ( Construction and Use ) Regulations ’ .
19 ‘ so that the exhaust gases from the engine escaped into the atmosphere without first passing through the silencer , expansion chamber or other contrivance required to be fitted by the Motor Vehicles ( Construction and Use ) Regulations ’ , This point can be proved by inspecting the silencer system with the engine running and watching where the gases are escaping .
20 Make sure you know exactly what to do in the way of first aid and that you can summon medical or other help as quickly as possible should it be needed .
21 The numbers of seats secured approximated to the quotas of first preference votes expressed and the only exception to this was the special case of North Down ( see below ) .
22 He was commissioned almost at once , and early in 1792 he returned to the Foudroyant as first lieutenant ; in April of the same year he was promoted master and commander , being given the Pigmy of 14 guns ; and in 1790 he was made post .
23 Jimmy Tarbuck is rabbiting on in front of the tabs , the dancers are in position , stretching their limbs and adjusting their costumes , bathed in the blue of first lighting condition .
24 Excerpts from the articles giving the flavour of the allegations made will be found in the judgment at first instance [ 1991 ] 4 All E.R.
25 However , a summons was issued to dismiss our claim on the ground of this supposed privilege , which was refused by the judge at first instance — a refusal confirmed , and emphatically , by the Court of Appeal .
26 This was an initiative sponsored by the SDLP at first intended to bring together politicians from both catholic — nationalist and protestant — loyalist groups to discuss the future of the island as a whole .
27 Once you were promoted you had to go to the bar on first entering the mess and drink a pint of whatever drink you designated without taking your lips from the glass .
28 It 's quite funny really because er I used to go off I had an agreement with the headmaster at that particular time and he 'd h I 'd been a full time teacher with him , and he needed somebody desperately , that was the only reason obviously he wanted me back , and er I said Well look I can come back but I ca n't get back in order to go to the assembly at first .
29 I was shaken to the core at first , then Betty — she knows all our plans , of course , and is full of enthusiasm , though she is utterly discreet — she put the situation in perspective .
30 There was also a custom by which a boy at his first harvest under the old system of farming went through the ordeal of First Nail or Shoeing the Colt .
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