Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] [being] " in BNC.

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1 Allowing for the actual word being within ±1 of this figure , we have a measure of approximate word length .
2 While a good case can , in retrospect , he made for the national interest being served by higher prices , there were few at the time who argued against the interpretation of Citrine and Self that there was a long-run obligation to sell as much electricity as possible at as low a price as possible .
3 President Marjorie Clarke expressed pleasure at seeing Kay Hampton back after her recent illness and she reported on the good progress being made by Sue Rankin and Miss Elliott who had also been ill .
4 In this signal , AC/173 [ KP 70 ] , McCreery reported on the serious problems being posed by the Yugoslav presence in both areas .
5 Mr. Michael : In the light of the White Paper , what importance should the public in Wales now place on the 10-year plans being prepared by health authorities and considered by his Department ?
6 My right hon. Friend is right to talk about the industrial capacity being too low to produce the recovery we need .
7 Although he was pleased that they had managed to set everything up on time , he continued to mutter about the remaining android being alive , threatening them from somewhere on the planet .
8 And how did you feel about the New Town being born ?
9 A system of mutual support , very necessary in an alien and often hostile environment , results in the immigrant community being concentrated geographically in towns that offer jobs which white workers often will not take .
10 They are the latest Royal Bank staff to join the plastic cup recycling revolution which results in the used cups being turned into coat hangers , rulers , flower pots , video cassettes and a host of other items .
11 In each case , this results in the correct reading being selected .
12 This effectively results in the secondary model being inserted into the model space of the former .
13 Local authorities that use their resources sensibly , develop an enabling role and co-operate with the private sector and housing associations will benefit from the new regime being introduced this year by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State , whereby HIP allocations take account of the use to which resources are put to give an added incentive to local authorities to improve their performance and the standard of service for their tenants .
14 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
15 Free elections , which could result in the Communist Party being reduced to playing a junior role , are seen as the only realistic way forward to end East Germany 's political and economic crisis .
16 Even when it is possible to tackle the perceived origins of language difficulty , this will not immediately result in the affected individual being cured .
17 If they voice this concern to the general practitioner or health visitor this may result in the first step being taken in the identification of a visual problem , but unfortunately there can be instances in which the defective vision is not detected until the child has a pre-school medical .
18 Such an event might result in the new government being unwilling or unable to service external debt , including bank loans , i.e. nonpayment of interest and/or the principal sum loaned .
19 This may result in the offlined modules being stored on a single , immediately available , large optical disk and ten magnetic disks .
20 But equally , the buried incestuous temptation invoked by the seductive mother may result in the same man being profoundly moved and sexually attracted to distressed women for whom he has no emotional responsibility .
21 A series of appalling disasters in the public services , notably the Kings Cross underground fire and the rail crashes at Clapham and elsewhere underlined the damage that could result from the public sector being run down .
22 They object to the two giants being lumped together simply because they are hugely ambitious , colossally expensive and largely Texan .
23 Having decided on the precise objectives being set for the appraisal scheme , next you must choose who will be consulted , who will be appraised by whom and how often .
24 The ‘ cabinet ’ is a term whose meaning differs according to the political system being considered .
25 Although not directly connected to the constitutional difficulties being experienced by Canada , McKenna acknowledged the indirect connection when , speaking of the growing co-operation between the four provinces , he admitted that he had " seen more co-operation during the last six months than I 've seen in the last five years that I 've been Premier " .
26 The right to access the system databases depends on the appropriate authority being granted by the database administrator .
27 It is a view I believe which is held by everyone connected with policing at local level and additionally , the continuation of the tripartite system with its essential checks and balances on the activities of the three parties involved and My Lords that is the real importance and value of the tripartite system that depends on the local authorities being seen to be in the driving seat .
28 Because the upper limits of resolution depend on the acoustic wavelength being used , the path researchers are following is to increase the sound frequency , thereby shortening the wavelength .
29 It should have spent a little more time looking at the serious work being carried out by the Health Education Authority and less time on carping criticisms of the authority 's work .
30 It begins with an attempted rape and a murder , contains scenes of spine-chilling horror when the murder victim 's marble effigy comes to life in the graveyard and then accepts its murderer 's invitation to supper , and ends with the unrepentant libertine being dragged down to hell by demons .
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