Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One of the reasons Mr Houghton and his managers cite for staying in the pots-and-pans business sounds pretty lame : namely that the business was handicapped in the 1980s first by a recession at the start of the decade and then later by a strong dollar and so could now recover .
2 He 's a very bright man , Michael Howard , but it 's quite clear that he 's much more concerned with grabbing the headlines and finding scapegoats , than with taking action through law that will actually improve the chance , both of preventing crime and of detecting crime , and then even more so , deterring people from re-offending , and it 's most distressing to see that when research showed that a particular non-custodial method of punishment is effective in perhaps fifty or seventy or eighty percent of cases , whereas prison is not , he goes for prison , he goes for picking on squatters , he goes for picking on the defendants right to silence so that we can see more people like er , jailed when they were innocent .
3 The case has now been listed for hearing before the Commissioners .
4 Public outcry followed the revelation that Ben Silcock , who was mauled after climbing into the lions ' compound at London Zoo , was severely mentally ill and was not getting adequate treatment .
5 A clear and detailed historical account of this event is given by Ammianus Marcellinus , who has always been accepted as one of the more reliable of the ancient historians , although it has been recently pointed out by Professor Malcolm Todd that Theodosius I was the patron of Marcellinus , who can hardly be blamed for enlarging on the achievements of the father of the Emperor .
6 Thérèse had the pocket torch she used for reading under the bedclothes .
7 He would never forget how Samuel Reichmann and his partner , Emmanuel Hollander , had been fined for trading with the Germans by the Jewish Court of Tangier , and how one or both of them were on the blacklist of the British Consulate .
8 Prime Minister Jure Pelivan , a Croat , resigned after talking to the demonstrators , an unofficial source said .
9 The greater the complexity of systems , the more danger of something going wrong , and the less chance individual will has of operating on the systems for good .
10 The more opportunities he/she has of looking at the illustrations and reading the captions with you , the more he/she will come to recognise the words .
11 However powerful or disruptive other actors become , the theoretical framework is still set by what states decide about guidelines or , in a systems perspective , what states are pressured into deciding by the demands of the system .
12 The most promising argument in favour of W. having an exclusive right to consent to treatment and thus , by refusing consent , to attract the protection of the law on trespass to the person , lies in concentrating upon the words ‘ as effective as it would be if he were of full age . ’
13 By a respondent 's notice dated 28 February 1992 the father contended that in the event of the appeal being allowed in part the order should be varied so that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing the costs incurred by the father in the family proceedings court and that sum to be calculated by a costs draftsman by reference to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 or alternatively , to an order that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing in relating to the proceedings below calculated in the same way but excluding all or part of the costs incurred on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
14 They also remarked with astonishment a sort of combat between God and her without being able to determine whether God was more occupied in seeking in the secrets of his wisdom the means of exercising her by suffering than she was disposed to suffer for his love ; for she showed an incredible avidity for crosses and an invincible patience over her trials and over every affliction which Almighty God sent to exercise her love and fidelity .
15 She sat up with a start , blinking , to find the room full of electric light again , and her host occupied in turning off the lamps , his face streaked with oil and his black hair wildly untidy , but with an air of triumph about him which she registered with some amusement .
16 My understanding from your letter of [ Date ] is that I am jointly instructed by the vendor , Mr D Smith , and the purchasers ( as set out in the Agreement between the parties dated [ Date ] ) and that I am requested to certify in writing to the parties , the value , in my opinion , of Mr D Smith 's shares at [ Date ] .
17 Heeding Lady Barber 's wish that the ‘ purchases for the Collection shall be of that standard of quality required by the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection ’ , the Trustees have succeeded in acquiring over the years a group of paintings , drawings , sculptures , and objet d'art of exceptional merit , a number of them undisputed masterpieces .
18 far from being crushed as a nation by the Russian conquest , the Yakuts succeeded in adapting to the ways of their conquerors and extended their own influence over their Tungus and Yukagir neighbours , not to mention the Russians themselves .
19 Okay so if you can learn to concentrate on looking for the patterns and looking for , Oh well what sort of word is this , is it going to end in a K end in c sound so it 'll be C K.
20 Only an idealized observer could see both the inner processing and the causal relations of the symbols to outside objects that give them meaning : no one could actually be that idealized observer , because each observer is confined to operating on the symbols that are within his computational machinery , and this excludes their external causal relations .
21 When Parliament legislates to remedy what the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a lacuna in the existing law ( whether it be the written law enacted by existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded by the judges in decided cases ) , the role of the judiciary is confined to ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing its intention what that intention was , and to giving effect to it .
22 When Parliament legislates to remedy what the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a lacuna in the existing law ( whether it be the written law enacted by existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded by the judges in decided cases ) , the role or the judiciary is confined to ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing its intention what that intention was , and to giving effect to it .
23 At home , on both wings of her Cabinet , are ministers who regard green politics as no more than the latest fad ; the election will not be won by fighting on the beaches , in the air , and in the green belts , but once again in the pockets of the people , is their view .
24 The African National Council — one of whose leaders he is — have responded by breaking off the talks with the Smith government .
25 It analyses the problem of marketing to multi-individual buying structures , and concludes by looking at the applications of industrial purchase behaviour models .
26 No chipping was observed , and it would seem that damage mainly occurs through splitting of the crowns which leads to their disintegration and loss from the sample .
27 With a background in ICI 's pharmaceutical and paints operations , he told The Economist a year ago that a case could be made for hanging onto the jewels and getting rid of the tarnished tinsel .
28 Reports in the Washington Post of April 2 , citing the New York-based human rights group Middle East Watch , also confirmed cases of revenge attacks meted out against Palestinians [ see p. 38118 ] and others suspected of collaborating with the Iraqis .
29 Mr Waite , formerly the Archbishop of Canterbury 's envoy , had been trying to secure the release of Western hostages when he was himself captured because he was suspected of spying for the Americans .
30 I can speak with feeling about the frustrations I experienced trying to obtain a suitable movement here .
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