Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adv] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Further analysis showed no differences in results between schools in which the projects were taught for only the minimum time compared with those that taught it for longer .
2 Printed by Imprimeries Réunies , Lausanne , the books are intended for both the general public and scholars .
3 Only by qualifying for either the English Tourist Board crown grading and quality scheme , or one of the other nationally recognised quality schemes , can establishments be singles out with the relevant symbol and this is the result of independent , objective assessment by trained inspectors , not as a result of decisions by council staff .
4 All these can act against only the aquatic stages , that is to say they are ‘ larvicides ’ and , as I have already emphasised , malaria control by such an attack is likely to be effective only in limited situations .
5 Nevertheless there is considerable evidence that the immune system interacts with both the nervous system and the hormones .
6 Hidden for centuries under plaster , the architrave of the main doorway is now revealed to be a monumental inscription from the time of the Emperor Trajan , which must have come from either the Roman baths or the imperial mint , both of which are nearby .
7 France and Italy have been cited as examples of countries in which the maintenance of group and individual integrity is stressed in both the general culture and in political life .
8 England manager Keith Fletcher yesterday confirmed that the 23-year-old had been omitted from both the senior trip and the A team tour to Australia for disciplinary reasons .
9 He says a case could be made for Manchester 's fullback , but in no sport are players picked from outside the national leagues — and anyway we can all spend hours picking players unlucky not to tour .
10 62.2 per cent of male and 68.4 per cent of female unskilled workers were born in West Ham , only 12.3 per cent and 7.5 per cent respectively originated from outside the metropolitan area ( Table 1.4 ) .
11 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
12 It is not reasonable to expect Hong Kong to continue to accept , year in , year out , large numbers of people coming from Vietnam — not because they have a well founded fear of persecution , but because they want to better the economic lot of themselves and their families .
13 I think you 've come to really the wrong committee to try and get money .
14 The simple and almost revolutionary message of Francis had the fortune to reach the ears and attention of a pope of spiritual vision who , while not able to fill that role himself , recognized the strength and power that might be harnessed to both the papal curia and the Church as a whole .
15 But soon the big stories were written in the knowledge that readers would know at least the bare bones from a news bulletin , and the 24-hour cycle of the daily paper lost much of its point as a news medium .
16 When he was joined in the Test team by Desmond Haynes , one of the most dependable and successful of all opening partnerships was created , and as the senior member in his late twenties Greenidge matured at just the right time .
17 Besides having this example of baronial efficiency before his eyes , common sense might have suggested the importance of revealing at once the new conditions for ecclesiastical support which he had brought back from the Roman Council of 1099 .
18 ‘ Actually , you 've come at just the right moment .
19 The announcement about dinner being served , Henry observed with approval , had come at just the right length of time after the sherry had been drunk .
20 As I speak , a chance now for Martin Foyle ; Foyle has scored for Oxford , he 's done it , Oxford have pulled one back , tremendous through ball for Martin Foyle , he cheeked his way round the goalkeeper , put it in with the side of his foot so you 've come at exactly the right time , thirty one minutes gone , Spurs two , Oxford United one and the goal coming from Martin Foyle .
21 He cheeked his way round the goalkeeper , put it in with the side of his foot , so you 've come at exactly the right time , thirty one minutes gone , Spurs two , Oxford United one .
22 If I may anticipate a point which , I know from experience , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) may in due course seek to make , those increases mean that , when looked at alongside the extra help that we have made available in the past four years through income-related benefits for the less well-off families with children , which will amount to some £600 million next year , total expenditure on help to families next year will be higher than if we had simply increased child benefit each year since 1987-88 .
23 She was told that , unless insemination occurred at exactly the right time each month , her acid levels would kill off the donor sperm .
24 There were similar events on Jan. 1-2 in Lithuania 's capital , Vilnius , where Soviet Interior Ministry troops seized the Historical Institute and the former Communist Party central committee building , which was claimed by both the pro-CPSU party and the independent party ( recently renamed the Democratic Labour Party ) .
25 Butler and Stokes " challenge any image of the elector as an informed spectator " , noting how " understanding of policy issues falls away very sharply indeed as we move outwards from those at the heart of political decision-making to the public at large " , and how attitudes are formed towards even the best-known policy issues to only a " limited degree " .
26 This new use meant a severe criticism of the earlier knowledge , since Marx believed that the studies he was using had originally been made for exactly the opposite purpose to his ; they had been made in order to justify the oppression which Marx say as the core of the capitalist system .
27 But the association of menstrual blood pollutes her and she loses for ever the pristine purity of a female child .
28 The user will be able to obtain an Abbreviated Report which will consist of only the structured listing .
29 Channel 4 's TV Heaven is the equivalent of Now That 's What I Call Music — shameless retro zeitgeist wank split into individual years and presented with just the right tone of sobriety and knowingness by Frank Muir .
30 If searching was done with just the basic actions , then R1.1 would only gain its first bit of credit after the fifth search , and then it would gain a mere 1/64th. of a point of credit .
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