Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adv] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This perception continues to prevail , hence , while the bill of lading continues to be the subject of considerable national and international regulation , the charter party has until very recently attracted little regulatory attention .
2 But the term that has caught on most widely to describe such zealots is ‘ hacker ’ and what they do , constantly , is known as ‘ hacking ’ .
3 Although three authorities objected to even hypothetically assuming that sufficient resources ( which they defined as money ) would be available , the extent to which respondents mentioned insufficient staff to cover staff absent from normal duties whilst attending off-the-job training ( rather than lack of any other resource ) , was striking .
4 Follow-up research has shown that 95% of all successful course members found at least hourly paid part-time teaching posts either after completion of the course or increasingly during the course .
5 Having completed our ‘ good for us ’ walk , we settled down by one of the two huge log fires with our paperbacks in the happy anticipation that tea would arrive promptly at four and would consist of improbably thinly cut home-made bread and butter and other bakings , whose smell had been pervading the lounge for some time with forecasts of gratifications to come .
6 ‘ You do n't think I came over here just to say good morning , do you ? ’
7 In situations that involve uncertainty , bounded rationality and opportunism it is important to economize on resources used in negotiating , implementing and adapting contracts as well as on those used for more narrowly defined productive tasks .
8 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
9 I trust that this review has helped at least somewhat to lighten that load .
10 To be cared for almost inevitably involves some diminution of independence .
11 It is sometimes available in bright or dark strong colours and , together with its dominant texture , these factors make it best suited to very heavily worked pastel drawings .
12 This is referred to as long standing limiting illness .
13 You 're never going to get extremely rich by betting on horses at very low odds , unless you bet very large stakes , but on the other hand if you do bet frequently at horses that are two to one or two to one on , or something like that , then the statistics demonstrate that you can , over a season , just about break even , or you tend to just about break even .
14 The fact that the " adornment " theory was entertained for so long deserves some explanation and its appropriateness can not be altogether dismissed in the case of " artificial " styles cultivated by such Renaissance mannerists as Sidney and Lyly .
15 Selfing populations of plants could be valuable material , although the retention of unused yet presumably expensive floral features in some populations raised doubts as to whether they have been selfing for long enough to reach evolutionary equilibrium .
16 Fabia cut in only then comprehending that to get home by next Wednesday she would have to leave Mariánské Láznë at the latest by Tuesday — always supposing she had her car back , which was doubtful .
17 ‘ Immigrants and their families have remained until today simply tolerated second-class citizens , ’ it said .
18 DOWN in Nashville , its capital , the 1990s boom in American country music has gone on long enough to prompt some heady forecasts .
19 However , none of the studies have gone on long enough to make reliable predictions .
20 Although the names looked at so far dip more than a toe into this price region , we feel like trying a different brand .
21 On the other hand , from the forties onwards there is likely to be greater stability in the sense that individuals are more settled in their jobs and ambitions and are supported by less rapidly changing domestic and leisure situations .
22 The alternatives are that it should promote competition , per se , or that it should operate with fairly broadly defined public interest criteria .
23 And extra investment in industry will be directed to still further improving that productivity and minimising the need for manpower .
24 Government-approved ‘ mousetrap ’ had for so long banished regional English cheeses , for instance , that they were given up for dead .
25 The belief in Britain 's power to do good in the world , which had for so long underpinned popular internationalism , no longer seemed tenable .
26 Ludens made two journeys back to the house to bring remaining luggage , the suitcases which Irina had for so long kept packed , ready for the moment of escape .
27 After Trafalgar , Admiralty instructions to the commanders of British men-of-war no longer ordered them to demand a salute from foreign naval vessels in the waters where Britain had for so long claimed such a right .
28 But in the end he was toppled by these very same foreigners who had for so long manipulate Iranian life .
29 Power is seen as residing in office , and stemming from the bureaucrat 's high social prestige and wide discretion to act within very broadly defined colonial policies .
30 The fact that Nonconformists were so prominent in the new financial institutions became a source of deep concern , both for the landed classes , who had by now largely severed any ties they had once had with Dissent , and also for the old Tory financial interests in the City , who saw their former economic ascendancy being eclipsed .
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