Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] in that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , er the thing is if you 've got a name and you want to that 's the time to work for it in that little
2 He was simply laughing at her in that condescending way he had .
3 Flattered when he had looked at her in that particular way which was both critical and yet admiring at the same time ?
4 The moment she thought of Peter , then Martin ( no , she would not think of him in that ridiculous way with a small m ) no longer looked so good , so handsome .
5 I think his pleasure was merely to talk about it in that calm way to a completely ignorant young girl .
6 And all the while , her son Richard was there to remind her … sleeping , waking , looking at her in that special way that was Tyler 's .
7 She played with her leather gloves , turning each finger inside-out then carefully back again , aware that he was looking at her in that old , familiar searching way that somehow held her spellbound , draining her will to push the door and get away .
8 ‘ Yes , ’ he said slowly , still looking at her in that peculiar way , ‘ you really are rather a remarkable person . ’
9 The deal clearly does not work both ways as we learned from the Squidgy tape ( a copy of which was handed to me in that very restaurant some weeks before its contents were published ) .
10 So do not look at me in that accusing way , little sister ! ’
11 ‘ If you persist in clinging to me in that limpet-like way , Caroline , I will not answer for the consequences … ’
12 As he bowed to me in that tight state , I almost believe I saw creases come into the white of his eyes .
13 He showed us into the buffet , and waitresses brought vodka and red caviare and stared at us in that curious but not impolite way that so many people do in Russia .
14 David remained close for a brief moment , perhaps hoping that she would retract her words , but Beth only looked at him in that certain proud manner which told him she would not change her mind .
15 ‘ I was doubtful myself , ’ Maureen admitted , ‘ but I hate to think of you in that awful room .
16 They will want to place the promises that Labour is now making to them in that historical context .
17 The relief must have shown in her face , as she caught his brief little smile of amusement drifting in her direction , and when she thought back on their encounters lately she realised that he often seemed to glance at her in that same lightly amused way , as if he found her mildly diverting — the way he might feel , perhaps , about a pretty child .
18 I remember lunching with him in that miserable dining-room in Wakefield and seeing him lost in contemplation of the " beautiful way in which the gravy formed a curve " on his plate — at least that was what he said he saw when I asked him !
19 In fact , I remember Mr Simpson , the landlord of the Ploughman 's Arms , saying once that were he an American bartender , he would not be chatting to us in that friendly , but ever-courteous manner of his , but instead would be assaulting us with crude references to our vices and failings , calling us drunks and all manner of such names , in his attempt to fulfil the role expected of him by his customers .
20 The problem was that I could not be sure if this was your true feeling for me , or just your terror of Mathilde 's ghosts making you cling to me in that delightful and extremely inflammatory fashion .
21 ‘ If you continue to speak to me in that cold manner , ’ she answered , ‘ I shall say nothing at all .
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