Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] in this [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , something happened recently which has prompted me to write to you in this unsolicited way , though God knows we were once .
2 ‘ What matters to me in this cooperative , ’ he wrote to his wife from Helsinki , ‘ is that they are all well-established people , with left-wing sympathies .
3 Could my fondness have kept you steady I should not now appear before you in this solemn manner .
4 She remembered the time she had returned the coffee she had borrowed from him , and how she had instinctively known there was a woman waiting for him in this very room .
5 So she could not let her go alone but must stand in the crowds being shoved , the smell of greasy food and litter breathed over her in this hot air , and the constant blare of noise grinding at her .
6 She took a shaky step back , mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion .
7 This was a Monday night and the early show of a week 's run in a tour which would take her round the Eastern States , and hopefully into New York for the spring of 1913 , that is if audiences took to her in this first week .
8 During the 1987 Iran/Contra hearings in Washington the most frightening witness was Colonel Oliver North , who , though not a direct employee of the CIA , had been inextricably associated with it in this sordid affair .
9 Erm but we were encouraged of course for it to go er as your savings and er something I heard that , that may be interesting to you er and er he just said to me in this other club , but again we were talking about , I think we 'd talking politics then and we 're not supposed to do it was a church club .
10 ‘ Do you remember what you said to me in this very room when I begged you to marry me and you told me that you were going to marry him ?
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