Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He virtually commuted between London and Sydney , his Australian birthplace , where he would stay for months at a time with his parents , making award-winning films , before returning to London in his safari suit , sun-bleached and fit .
2 They met as contestants at a Mrs Moscow competition which Yelena won ; modelling contracts and divorce followed for both .
3 The disclosure by the state and defence departments came as United Nations officials in Sarajevo announced that Serb militiamen had allowed a ten-truck UN relief convoy , halted for days at a checkpoint in eastern Bosnia , to continue towards the encircled town of Gorazde .
4 United Nations officials in Sarajevo said Serb militiamen had allowed a ten-truck UN relief convoy , halted for days at a checkpoint in eastern Bosnia , to continue towards the encircled town of Gorazde .
5 For me the most dangerous aspect of the job has been not so much the very real dangers in the field as the psychological vertigo of alternating for months at a time between the utter extremes of the planet ; from the film markets of California 's Hollywood Hills , where I rented an A-frame , to the remotest jungles of the East .
6 We only call dolphins when we need help in a rough sea , or we are in difficulty or if there is something we would like to know about relatives at a distance over the ocean .
7 This does not mean , of course , that they will fall to pieces at a touch and as we have said , some brittle substances are very strong .
8 A ‘ club of national research councils , researchers and institutes ’ to serve European research interests being neglected by the European Communities ( EC ) has been recommended by participants at a meeting organized last month by France 's basic research agency , the CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ) .
9 Sir Donald intervened after journalists at a Department of Health press conference questioned the veracity of remarks attributed to Baroness Hooper .
10 Denuded heads on pale green drooping stems hung like mourners at a graveside over the ring of faded scarlet petals that lay on the painted wood .
11 An incompetent head is one who fails to master the task of reconciling a management plan with a financial plan , who fails to communicate and to ensure enough understanding for the financial plan with his or her teacher colleagues and who is unable to engage with governors at a level where there is both trust and understanding .
12 Administrators of the institute and some 250 cancer specialists met in groups at a retreat in Virginia between October 1971 and March 1972 , to list every conceivable way of approaching cancer research .
13 They might be considered likely to feed on flowers at a time , such as the dry season , when there is a scarcity of fruit .
14 CHILDHOOD friends came to blows at a factory Christmas party .
15 Consequently , such marketing boards have frequently found themselves in a price squeeze , unable to offer a price high enough to producers , but only able to sell to consumers at a loss .
16 THE FATE of the elephant will be decided by delegates at a conference on endangered species next week .
17 W Ward , ILP and NUR , attempted to counter the charges made by labourists at a meeting of the newly-formed West Ham Labour Party :
18 Choose 7/8in mats where workers remain for a full shift ; 1/2in mats at work stations used for hours at a time ; 3/8in mats in traffic areas .
19 Anyone who wants a portable to carry around and use for hours at a time on batteries , will love the 320SLi as much as I did .
20 This tied up with the number who had breeding stock and were therefore likely to be needed as assistants at a calving or lambing .
21 Any regiment may be equipped with shields at a cost of +2 points per model .
22 Any Mobs may be equipped with shields at a cost of +1 points per model .
23 Any Mobs may be equipped with shields at a cost of +1 points per model .
24 Any regiments may be equipped with shields at a cost of +1 point per model .
25 Any regiments may be equipped with shields at a cost of +1 point per model .
26 Any regiments may be equipped with shields at a cost of +1 point per model .
27 Any regiments may be equipped with shields at a cost of + 1/2 point per model .
28 OPTIONS : Any regiment may be equipped with bows at a cost of +4 points per model .
29 Any regiment may be equipped with spears at a cost of +2 points per model .
30 KART racing on Sundays at a Cleveland site was given a reprieve yesterday despite complaints about noise from local residents .
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