Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] at the end " in BNC.

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1 They would certainly benefit from electrolytes at the end of a day 's hunting .
2 THE family of a man shot by police at the end of a 47-hour siege claimed last night it need not have finished in bloodshed .
3 In Australia the television coverage was also marred by advertisements at the end of each over .
4 They would take a lazy bottom turn , stall as they climbed up the wave , then disappear behind the curtain for a second or two , reappearing like actors at the end of a play to take a bow .
5 when you want to put in highlights at the end of your painting , the paint will tend to sink in each time you put on a pale colour if the paper is still damp .
6 Burnage Court , the big house in the picture hidden in trees at the end , has at some time been cruelly treated , with badly applied half-timbering on the ground floor and tile-hanging on the first .
7 Prior to this service , pump manufacturers would only provide a test pump for a well if the customer agreed to purchase the unit or pay for repairs at the end of the test period .
8 The Report also recommends the ranges of levels of attainment which should apply to pupils at the end of each of key stages 2 , 3 and 4 — ie at the ages of 11 , 14 and 16 .
9 Every year in class a new knitter will ask about loops at the end of rows .
10 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
11 The new law was prompted by events at the end of 1967 .
12 If the actual money stock in t is accurately predicted by agents at the end of period t - 1 ( in symbols ) , the actual price level in t will equal the price level which was expected at the end of t - 1 since expectations regarding the future behaviour of the money stock have been accurately generated by the efficient use of the information available in .
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