Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other researchers have built neural networks to solve the problem of checking the vast amount of data gathered during mass screenings for fatal diseases such as cancer .
2 The railway lines define the neighbourhood all right : Railway Hotel on the corner that the Council 's started using for temporary accommodation for other single mothers not so lucky as she , as the social worker kept telling her ; Railway Cafe opposite the launderette with coloured transfers on the window and a goldfish tank next to the curry puffs and ketchup bottles .
3 ‘ But the volunteers are now listed as potential donors for other cases . ’
4 Polyploidy may enhance adaptability , and is regarded as useful preadaptation for stressful environments ( Löve and Löve , 1974 ) .
5 aids for the disabled should be readily available and regarded as acceptable tools for daily living ,
6 In the in vivo studies , differences between means were tested by analysis of variance for multiple comparisons and by Student 's t test for unpaired data for single comparisons .
7 None the less , it is necessary to point out that there have been a number of attempts to develop what might be called , " theories of data " , that is to specify what can count as suitable data for scientific disciplines : some of these we shall be looking at in this book .
8 This is an especially fertile area for discontent in any firm as junior and middle ranking partners press for increased reward for increased work and senior partners are reluctant to contemplate any reduction in their incomes before retirement ; and where one area of the work of a firm consistently produces higher returns than others , the clamour for tangible recognition in the form of greater profit shares for the partners involved can all too easily become the rock upon which the whole firm eventually founders .
9 Photography is permitted with hand-held equipment for non-commercial purposes only .
10 Though the principles of representative government are important to pluralists as embodying equal rights to vote , express opinion and associate with like-minded people for political ends , the individual citizen of a democracy needs to be able to join with others before an interest can be effectively mobilized .
11 Usually it 's earlier ; level 2 sailors retire in an orderly fashion to the bar to watch the fun , level 3 sailors catapult off long boards right , left and centre learning where not to put their weight , while level 4 sailors leap onto short boards for serious carve gybe practice — joining our RYA fun-boards courses if they wish .
12 Nothing is worse than walking in wet trousers for long periods of time , so the overtrousers you select should give as good a service as your jacket .
13 Strains were stored frozen in cryoprotective broth for subsequent adhesion and hydrophobicity assays .
14 They have excelled in leading-edge technologies for military and computer applications .
15 Generally , the study of hemispherectomized children shows that cortical and subcortical visual systems interact in different ways for different visual functions , and raises the important question of how far these interactions may be plastic during early development .
16 There is the offence of driving recklessly ( contrary to section 2 of the Road Traffic Act 1972 ) , and there are also the lesser offences of driving without due care and attention , and driving without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road ( contrary to section 3 of the 1972 Act ) .
17 Aleksandr Shokhin was relieved of his post as Employment Minister on June 14 , in order to concentrate on new responsibilities for foreign economic relations .
18 The OECD stated in late 1983 that acid rain damage represents 3 to 5% of the European Community Gross National Product — or between £33 billion and £44 billion per year while the first joint step to combat air pollution in the European Community came in March 1984 when Environment Ministers agreed that new industrial plants could not be built without authorization relating to specific limits for industrial emissions .
19 The latter contribute a very small amount ( less than 12% ) of the running budget of Highlander , and even this amount is generally confined to short-term awards for specific projects .
20 It originally referred to special treatment for remedial pupils in an analogy with ‘ the sick ’ .
21 And having looked at identified needs for affordable housing , within again various statements made by the local authorities and compared those with the commitments that are left , in other words the places where they they could reasonably be found , we get some fairly large percentages of affordable housing requirement le on on on the remaining land .
22 The cost will be met by the Treasury out of public funds — but unlike earlier controversy involving Mr Lamont and legal expenses arising over the eviction of a tenant from his Notting Hill home , this is accepted as normal practice for official residences .
23 However , he gave broad support to the proposal that provision should be made for secure accommodation for persistent juvenile offenders .
24 There is one last function which small towns might have possessed at provincial level , that of acting as administrative centres for imperial estates .
25 An increasing number of calls come from people looking for start-up premises for small businesses .
26 According to this account , to serve as satisfactory starting-points for scientific demonstration , the first principles , or axioms , need themselves to be indemonstrable ; otherwise a demonstration would be needed of them .
27 However , far more use is made of geothermal energy for direct heat .
28 all braces are fitted with locking claws , and the hinged working platform is made of non-slip Combiboard for additional safety .
29 Convoy Aid Romania was threatened with legal action for illegal use of the symbol and coordinator Rod Jones was quizzed by police .
30 In this sense , it makes a significant contribution toward a third-generation effort ( perhaps still short of definitive ) that will treat the recombinant-DNA controversy as a not-to-be overlooked early warning of profound social change to come — as the achievements of this scientifically enormously productive century are built into new foundations for human society .
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