Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] same [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If these are mixed in the same diagram the distinctions between categories should be indicated by using differently shaped blocks .
2 I never thought to find in the same establishment a Gooseneck , a Ramsbum and a Blitherdick . ’
3 They parted at the hatshop and made an arrangement to meet at the same time the following day .
4 And Herbert Morrison moved at the same conference a resolution condemning the government 's introduction of conscription : the resolution was carried by more than three to one .
5 But Rostov 's experience of the Empire had not prepared him to find at the same time a complete absence of the poor and underprivileged .
6 And these roles are are occupied by the same people every year ?
7 The meeting came on the same day the latest casualty of the rent increases left his pub .
8 In a linked announcement made at the same time the company unveiled a low-end addition to its 6611 multi-protocol router family — designed to tackle the burgeoning and lucrative branch-office market .
9 Many vote for the same party every time they vote , and probably give little attention to the personalities or policies of specific candidates .
10 Pointer starts to move L or R. Follow this by turning in the same direction a maximum amount — at any one time — of 5°. 6 .
11 Often the same or a similar fault can occur to the same aircraft a number of sectors later .
12 We owe to the same Caesar the information that the Druids used the Greek alphabet ( 6.14 ) .
13 Now that she was free to choose , Ianthe looked forward to going to the same church every Sunday and finding her place in the congregation .
14 Once you 've been going to the same shops a lot , y'know , just standing around and not buying anything , they get to know you .
15 I understand it will be convenient to discuss at the same time the next motion on the order paper that the local government finance amendment report Wales nineteen ninety three , ninety four , House of er in i in in in in inquiry .
16 Two lawnmowers going at the same time the neighbours must be annoyed .
17 In portraiture he obtained at the same time a good likeness , much appreciated by the sitters and their families , and , in these works and in his more fanciful subjects , he engendered feelings of respect and admiration .
18 Net profits slumped by 41% to $12.3m compared with the same period a year ago .
19 Third-quarter net profits at News Corp more than doubled to A$191m ( $140m ) , compared with the same period a year ago ; net profit for the nine months to the end of March increased to A$144m .
20 The Treasury 's forecast , indicates gross domestic product in Britain this year will increase by 1 p.c. , rising to 3 p.c. in the first six months of 1993 , compared with the same period the previous year .
21 He noted , in his journal in October 1919 , that there had been an increase of 37 vagrants attending the institution as ‘ casuals ’ in the previous two weeks compared with the same period the previous year ; six of them were discharged soldiers .
22 Thailand increased its rubber exports by 31 per cent in the first half of 1985 compared with the same period the year before — yet its rubber revenues fell by eight per cent1 .
23 Britain 's non-oil exports to France were up by 12 per cent last December , compared to the same month the year before .
24 Quite by accident , she had produced a brilliantly simple brainwave for home furnishings ; using in the same room the monochrome positive/negative wallpaper and fabric .
25 How sad , therefore , to see in the same issue the fudging of this certainty by yet another prominent cleric Bishop Harris .
26 He also announced in the same speech the Government 's first considered response to Strangeways ; they would introduce a new offence of prison mutiny with a maximum penalty of 10 years .
27 The society always received and still receives from the same surveyor a basic valuation containing a summary of some but not all the matters contained in the report to the borrower .
28 Suppose for the same data the x-variable was a measure of reading ability in fifty 7-year old children , the y-variable a test of spelling ability and the z-variable the response to the same type of test given six months later .
29 Did he also note in the same letter the noble lord expressed the view that it may be possible to adapt Tridents to fill a sub-strategic role ?
30 One member of the defence team estimated that Newall 's brother , Mark , a broker based in Paris who was arrested on the same charges a few days ago and now faces extradition from France , has paid more than £100,000 so far in legal costs in Gibraltar .
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