Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] first [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This can be reduced a little if she goes in with all she needs for the first few days : a clean dressing-gown , slippers , a change of night clothes and bedjacket and all the toilet articles and other small items she is likely to want .
2 The knights engaged in close combat but the jousting was cancelled after the first few contests as the horses were unsure of their footing in the mud and consequently the inept efforts of the knights produced only laughter from the spectators .
3 Most complications occurred with the first few procedures when the technique was being developed .
4 You must first seek to interest the editor and to do this you must make certain that the essence of the story is contained in the first few sentences .
5 However , if every seventh word has been deleted in the first few sentences , then every seventh word must be deleted for the rest of the test .
6 The independence of the people 's committees was not ultimately compatible with communist rule in north Korea and problems occurred in the first few months of communist dominance .
7 OUR flower gardens are full of blossom at the moment , carried on plants that will not survive beyond the first few frosts of autumn .
8 They can take some getting used to and a bit of furtive fumbling is to be expected on the first few occasions .
9 As a full stomach makes it even harder for a baby with RDS to breathe he was n't able to feed for the first few days and relied on the drip .
10 Because HAI was in its infancy , in every job he filled during the first few years he had an American opposite number , sometimes with 30 years ' experience of the industry .
11 But by all means take a flask of tea or coffee to drink during the first few hours , but flasked drinks always taste stale after ten or twelve hours .
12 What happens during the first few days when a resident comes to live in a Home ?
13 Avoid rigorous vacuuming and shampooing during the first few weeks after your new carpet has been fitted .
14 Its component elements are absorbed in the first few years of life largely unconsciously , and later more deliberately by informal and formal learning processes .
15 People who give up cigarettes very commonly report explicit ( and guilty ) dreams about smoking in the first few weeks , even though there is every reason to believe that sleep actually becomes less disturbed on withdrawal from nicotine .
16 He was also ready for office , and was delighted when an offer came in the first few weeks of the new Government .
17 The efficiency gains that RBS wrought in the first few months of Project Columbus reflect how much fat it was carrying .
18 Patients seen in the first half hour after the onset of symptoms are experiencing most severe pain .
19 Table 7.1 thus also supports the contention made in the first half hour of this chapter that short-term contract workers in the service sector are mainly " voluntary " temporary workers .
20 The CAT scanner which the hospital wants for its X ray department will cost £600,000 to buy and run for the first few years .
21 There were insufficient vehicles in the first delivery to work the whole service between Sutton and Croydon and several of the earlier 1–60 batch ex-L.U.T. trolleybuses , known as ‘ Diddlers ’ because of the clicking noise their contactors made , had to be used during the first few weeks .
22 It rained during the first few days .
23 It rained during the first few days .
24 Stretford Bridge could have been little used after the first few months of the BCR 's life , when passengers presumably had to walk between there and Craven Arms — unless horse-drawn transport was provided along the road .
25 Depression and loneliness will descend after the first few days of nervous euphoria .
26 The Group will continue to provide support for Central America Week in March , and will be investigating in the first few years of the five year period the possibility of raising the profile of the Andean countries .
27 Ten days were needed on the first few clauses alone .
28 Would it be worth actually having a , having a sort of a planning meeting , say you know for the first half hour of one of these meetings , the next one say that we have , you know , a wall planner , you know , a chart and
29 All I wanted to do for the first few weeks was to let Skipper get to know me and his surroundings .
30 It 's a frustrating affair though — do n't think for a second that you can breeze through this game ; think yourself lucky if you get past the first few levels !
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