Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The perception of social advantage in general abstention from collective bargaining is too remote from the circumstances of the individual worker for him ever to support through the ballot box a general prohibition on trade unions , let alone to abstain privately from their immediate protection in a world where there is no reason to expect other workers to confer a reciprocal advantage on him by similar abstention .
2 But I did make for the baize door a little more quickly than on my way in , and in the semi-darkness stumbled over one of the wellingtons , kicking it half-way across the floor .
3 O. Charlton applied for the England job the time Bobby Robson got it and did n't even receive a reply from Lancaster Gate .
4 It 's relevant because at a time when I lived through the means test the one that , the real one , er then that would have been a very serious point because you could switch and turn and twist the means test in such a way that people would be continually at a disadvantage and the nearest I can think of what the effect of that was , living in a very working town , a very industrial working town and it was nothing like as bad as the one in London more recently , was the homelessness of cardboard boxes cities in London .
5 Once a viewpoint has been selected , the subsequent CATWOE analysis is made easier by first considering the transformation that could be taking place in the selected system , using as a starting point a simple sketch of the conversion process , ie input-transformation-output ( Fig 15. 1 ) .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co also announced for the reseller market a new HP Optical Jukebox Storage Solution optical-disk library storage system designed to extend hard disk storage on a personal computer network server running Novell Inc NetWare by up to 10.4Gb .
7 On hearing of the occurrence , I immediately requested through the programme officer a copy of the submission as delivered , but received in reply from the County Planning Officer of North Yorkshire County Council merely a statement that the County Council was requesting that an issue be not entertained by the inspector on the basis of the Council 's position as set out in paragraph eight point one of its proof of evidence .
8 He invested his business gains in building up an estate , purchasing as a country seat the former Carmelite priory of Aylesford .
9 She and her brothers had always found the idea of ancestral spirits appearing during the Cia ceremony an awesome prospect , but her sense of unease had been greatly heightened on this occasion by the fear of unknown punishments that seemed certain to follow the incident involving her baby gibbon at the governor 's palace .
10 The Estwicks were in Hong Kong , Giles having been required to visit the head office of one of their major commercial sponsors to finalise the details of a competition the radio station was shortly due to run for them , and Cavell Fielding had also departed for the Crown Colony a few days previously , telling Maria that whether she returned depended on Luke 's instructions .
11 Given the risk associated with the possibility that the market price may fall below the subscription price the timing of a rights issue is extremely important .
12 There 's Tony never out of the bath and Nutty never in it , one stinks like a knocking shop the other like a nest of polecats ; I 'm beginning to wonder how they 'd look on the mantelpiece but do n't let on I said so !
13 The manager should discuss with the allocation officer the detailed plans of allocation and holidays for nurses in training .
14 With the rain cutting visibiity to less than a hundred feet , it was as if they were trapped inside a glass tumbler the sides of which held at bay the blackness of the storm .
15 Members are encouraged to request from the information office a prepared guide to all the facilities available .
16 And when their great Emperor Gia Long finally rose from the Mekong delta a century ago to unify all the peoples from Saigon to Hanoi , had n't he triumphantly renamed his new empire " Viet Nam " ?
17 Observations have been made of one turbulent spot appearing in the boundary layer a little way downstream of an older one , whose presence has caused sufficient disturbance .
18 By introducing a satellite RNA Ribonucleic Acid ( closely related to DNA ) , it has been possible to establish in a tobacco plant a heritable agent capable of preventing the development of the mosaic virus as it enters the cell .
19 We seek to establish in the health service a system of decision-making which allows different people to reach different conclusions subject to some basic principles which clearly must underlie the delivery of socialised medicine .
20 Early man in his imperfectly organised society say in the animal world a distinct order , which was predetermined , changeless and superior and which , therefore implied a superhuman power .
21 Interviewed in the Beirut newspaper An Nahar on Sept. 1 , Aoun called Lebanon 's leaders " marionettes who should be tried for high treason " ; the French magazine Paris Match on Sept. 7 quoted him as saying that the Syrians would only last a year and that he was the future saviour of Lebanon .
22 It was his first innings since returning from the World Cup a more disappointed member of the England squad than most .
23 2.1 Non-competition/canvassing clauses It is common to find in an employment contract an express clause which restricts competition/canvassing by an employee both during and after employment .
24 Try to find from the salvage dealer the police station from which he collected the vehicle and enquire if they know its original number from their files .
25 The vehicle was hijacked in the Shankill area a short time before the shooting and later abandoned at Slieveban Drive , Andersonstown .
26 In order to exclude a bias as a result of a higher proportion of men being included in the adenocarcinoma group the data were analysed again for male patients only who smoked or drank .
27 Crippled as he was from many falls , only lately taking their toll , he found in the lawn mower a kind of substitute for the experiences of earlier , dangerous days .
28 A conducted " Stroll around the Town " starts from the tourist office every day , and takes 2½hours .
29 Ashenden left immediately , with the manifold brief of herding his flock together , of informing the coach-driver of the postponed departure , of phoning Broughton Castle to cancel the special out-of-season arrangements ; of explaining to the Stratford hotel the cancellation of the thirty lunches booked for 1 p.m. ; and finally of reassuring the lunchtime guest-speaker from the Royal Shakespeare Company that her fee would still be paid .
30 Ahead of the desert water bag slung on the turret side the brigade 's painted red jerboa sign can be made out .
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