Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has impressed as stand-in for the injured Tommy Wright .
2 In a healthy democracy the discussions of the representative assembly will as it were act as chairman for the multifarious informal discussion of the nation as a whole , and the measure of the successful working of democracy is the extent to which the voting of the ordinary man and woman has been informed by this widely diffused public discussion .
3 They 're going overland by motorbike ; it 's all in aid of SNAP the charity that stands for Support for the Sick Newborn and their Parents at the John Radcliffe Hospital .
4 Wilcox looked startled , caught off balance for the first time .
5 A panel of subscribers on whom we tested a dummy issue was torn between fondness for the old style and revolutionary zeal , the revolutionaries being in a clear majority .
6 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
7 THE QUESTION of just who would even want to be a partner with the US was underlined last night as the American Administration headed for default for the first time in its history .
8 How can the erotic stirring for Aeneas be ‘ new ’ , when it is explicitly saturated with sentiment for the old , the dead , for ‘ Sicheus ’ ?
9 Each is adorned with silken cloths and has its tusks shod with iron for the greater efficacy of killing criminals .
10 Prime Minister Vitold Fokin had come under criticism for the slow pace of economic reforms , but survived on June 3 , by 168 votes to 154 , a motion calling for a vote of no confidence ( brought by the Republican Party and the New Ukraine deputies , consisting of the Democratic Renewal Party , Social Democrats and other groups ) .
11 As India 's leading political parties shift into gear for the forthcoming general election campaign , no fewer than three of the ex-Maharajah 's once-royal relatives are jostling for the right to contest the Bharatpur seat .
12 He was not only widely respected as a critic but also regarded with affection for the genuine humility which made him always interested in others ' opinions .
13 Death or injury lies in wait for the imprudent in Brobdingnagian chasms below .
14 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
15 Something more than a vote was expected in return for the major posts , but essentially they too were employed to aid the development of a political interest .
16 Physical gratification often plays a contributing role in the exercise of persuasion : what does the marketing manager expect in return for the expensive lunch she 's buying you ?
17 We stopped in Backnong for the last time to do our souvenir shopping then at lunch time started to make our way to Trier , the most westerly town in Germany .
18 ‘ Bulk ’ causes all data contained in LIFESPAN for the specified type to be transferred ;
19 Tickets may be booked in advance for the LAST EVENING PERFORMANCES , LATE NIGHTS and WEEKENDS on the basis of payment at the time of booking .
20 Nearly six years since Mr Gorbachev came to power , it is still unclear what sort of future he has in mind for the Soviet Union .
21 Some black children may have had their first experience of Jamaican Creole from reggae lyrics , while others may have been attracted to Creole for the first time because of the music .
22 I intend to concentrate on provision for the 18 per cent unstatemented pupils who remain in mainstream schools but who , as Warnock reminded us , have special needs .
23 The West German Finance and Economics Ministers , Theo Waigel and Helmut Haussmann , also visited Moscow , on Aug. 24-25 , to discuss matters relating to assistance for the Soviet economy and German-Soviet economic and technological co-operation .
24 After all , she was returning to competition for the first time in five years .
25 He has , as a matter of fact , resigned from a comfortable job , to work without pay for the moral re-armament of Rhodesia ; and much of the leadership of the Assembly was due to him .
26 The system ensures that those who might seem most deserving receive perhaps an Order of the British Empire ( OBE ) — or a British Empire Medal ( BEM ) for those ‘ who do not qualify by rank for the higher awards ’ — while a bureaucrat who has successfully worked his way to the top of the civil service without putting a foot wrong will get a knighthood in the Order of the Bath .
27 The Ulsterman ( right ) , severely injured during practice for the 1990 Spanish Grand Prix , lapped within 1.6 secs of the fastest lap set by a F3000 car in a recent British F2 meeting , but continuing problems with his left knee prevent Donnelly from thinking seriously about an F1 return .
28 The creative team , for example , who appealed for help for the starving Biafrans with the headline , " Fresh food is flying to Biafra " with a visual showing a few live locusts knew what they were doing .
29 Brockway , Dutt , Gallacher , Jowett , Maxton and Pollitt for the Communists and the ILP appealed for support for the new committee .
30 During the hours of darkness a lone torpedo-bomber attempted a daring attack on the battleship ‘ Queen Elizabeth ’ , which was sailing with Force ‘ H ’ but was destined as reinforcement for the Mediterranean Fleet .
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