Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [be] [verb] in some " in BNC.

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1 It is clear , I think , from these examples that if the principle of induction is to be a guide to what counts as a legitimate scientific inference , then the ‘ large number ’ clause will need to be qualified in some detail .
2 What must be remembered though is that whatever is asked and answered in a survey has to be inputted in some way and once it has been processed the output has to be read by someone .
3 Such a drive , however , has to be operationalized in some other way , since the animals do not have any direct knowledge of the matters relevant to inbreeding : the inhibition against mating has to be triggered by the recognition of or reaction to some property adequately correlated with the kin relationship , such as being an individual with which the animal has been brought up .
4 But the labour involved in studying the objects and producing the data , be it weighing , chemical analysis or whatever , means that the scope of investigations has to be limited in some way .
5 Pessimistic in the sense that is says people are basically nasty , and if society is to be possible , then nastiness has to be controlled in some way or other , and since human nature is anti-social , social order comes about against the grain of human nature as a rule , has to be imposed on human nature .
6 So here the relationship between the lexical concepts has to be marked in some way to make up for the inadequacy of the words to indicate what part of the general context of knowledge is to be engaged .
7 In order to be able to find the information you want , the information has to be organised in some way .
8 If you 've got an idea or a message to send it has to be encoded in some way then there 's various mediums or media by which it can be transmitted but it 's got to be decoded by the receiver for the idea or message to be understood , and there 's some kind of feedback mechanism potentially from the receiver to the sender .
9 But you have to have some level of arousal has to be something pumping round you round your blood your brain has to be working in some way to be able to perform .
10 Local and regional governments are , potentially , heavy spenders of public funds and complete freedom for them to institute and carry out their own expenditure programmes has come to be regarded in some quarters as subversive of a sufficiently refined power of control over public expenditure overall by central government .
11 Special collars which give a small yet painful electric shock to deter barking are permitted to be sold in some countries , but really have no part in training a dog properly .
12 Thus he seems to be arguing from within a position which holds that aggression is an innate attribute of sufficient strength that it needs to be redirected in some way for it not to manifest itself in interhuman relations .
13 It remains true , of course , that the formal system of a foreign language is very obviously different from that of the learner 's first language , that it therefore forms the basis of any full communication , and that it needs to be acquired in some way .
14 We may define a social movement , in broad terms , as a collective endeavour to promote or resist change in the society of which it forms part ; l but this statement needs to be qualified in some way if we are to retain a clear distinction between a ‘ movement ’ and a ‘ party ’ .
15 It is no new thing for pushing tradesmen occasionally to send unsolicited goods to persons in the hope of making a sale , but this practice developed to the extent that it came to be regarded in some quarters as a serious social problem .
16 So deep-rooted were his various obsessions and so pronounced his self-importance that he came to be regarded in some quarters as not merely an individualist but something of a crank .
17 Goodness knows what was happening to her , but she seemed to be trapped in some thick mental fog .
18 Melford , now he had tasted blood , seemed to be revelling in some private joke .
19 His heart seemed to be beating in some huge dry place an echoing cavern .
20 So I think for next week I 'd like to be looking in some detail , there are two sources on this one is , is and the other is , tho those two are crucial in terms of understanding or , and and that those are crucial in terms of understanding erm why this policy document .
21 In other words I wo n't say it 's non-threatening or does n't have any kind of value judgment behind it because I do n't think that can be true and if anybody is monitoring their classroom practice , it 's got to be threatening in some way , almost inevitably .
22 He was vaguely surprised that what sense of loss he did have seemed to be connected in some way with Cyprus .
23 So the situations which are to stimulate the use of the language being learned will have to be contrived in some way , and the learners will have to co-operate in maintaining the illusion of reality .
24 Instead , the probabilities would have to be assigned in some arbitrary way .
25 The day 's missed training would have to be fitted in some other time .
26 Our word information would have to be stored in some appropriate fashion to facilitate ‘ activation ’ of certain words from both directions , i.e. from both the contextual and the feature/letter levels .
27 This conceded something to the Americans , though if Nato were seriously pressed it was evident that — short of surrender — nuclear weapons would have to be used in some way or other .
28 Indeed , many do , because Giardia , like Candida , seems to be linked in some way to food sensitivity .
29 One correspondent notes that , having gone through a period of using much folk music and guitar accompaniment , ‘ this phase seems to be declining in some places ’ .
30 A pawn in the chess match between Unix and Microsoft Corp , WABI is starting to be described in some circles as more important than COSE itself .
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