Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] long [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
2 Yeah but you 're not used to him being home all the time are you Lyn , I mean for a long period of time like .
3 Most clubs , you have to go through a long rigmarole of being proposed and seconded and vouched for by other members and having your background scrutinised , and weeks and months go by before you 're elected .
4 But one morning I came to play and I found that my clubs were not there ( they had been stolen ) I then had to go through the long task of making a claim to the insurance company to try and claim some money to replace the clubs I had lost .
5 Perhaps the attitude developed during a long period of established practice and little change .
6 The second concerns a love for God which is a gift and has nothing to do with learning ( c.5-7 ) ; this itself has two aspects covering that which is experienced sporadically by both actives and contemplatives , and a stabler devotion given after a long process of discipline in which the contemplative feels a " grete rest of bodie and of soule " ( 7.282a. – 81 ) .
7 The device was inspired by a bus journey taken by Gysin , when the sun flickered through a long avenue of trees .
8 But he would pray — both for Emilia 's recovery from affliction , and for the strength he would need throughout the long thawing of the ice about her heart .
9 ‘ I realised in this day and age that people are looking for something that wee bit different , and we found with the long spell of bad weather we 've had over the summer months that people want to stay inside , ’ explained Mr Nelson .
10 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
11 The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium .
12 Matthew 's theory drew upon a long tradition of applying evolutionism to the problems of biogeography begun by the first Darwinians .
13 While ‘ planning ’ in these various guises seemed to find its moment in the Second World War , it also drew upon a long evolution of social and political thought which stretched back to before the Great War .
14 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
15 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
16 A set of 32 items meeting these criteria were selected for a short form of the test , and a larger set of 150 items was included in a long form of the test .
17 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
18 If we were to add those provisions to the Bill , I fear that we might not fall within the long title of the Bill .
19 The youth work practice which began to emerge in the 1870s and 1880s built upon a long tradition of mainly religious charitable activity among young people , usually in connection with Sunday schools , temperance societies and the Band of Hope .
20 She was walking beside the long wall of the secret garden , when a most wonderful thing happened .
21 He would like to open an informal , family-run restaurant in the country one day , so he can eventually imagine returning to the long hours of hotel and restaurant work .
22 In early 1977 , for the first time in 30 years , campesinos in the central region of the country occupied land from which they had been evicted over a long period of time to make way for export crops .
23 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
24 These relatively thin walls are largely composed of cellulose , in the form of fibrillae , and Professor Preston , of Leeds , finds that these thin threads are disposed in the form of a very steep spiral or helix , wound around the long axes of the cells ( Figure 3 ) .
25 It is widely accepted that the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century was preceded by a long period of gradual economic growth , but when the upturn began remains uncertain .
26 In fact he was subjected to a very stiff , puritanical and doctrinal regime , only mitigated by the fact that he was educated by a long sequence of tutors , and seemed to have access to a lot of books .
27 It was obviously written as encouragement to the soldiers and families separated during the long years of the Second World War , but it seemed to express the yearning that so many young men must have felt when they were far from their families , desolate and frightened :
28 Long experience suggests that magnetic disks have seen off a long series of challenges over the past 15 years — but a review of the survival and thriving of the technology gives a very partial and inadequate view .
29 These fundamental axioms were refined , clarified and applied through a long series of debates and conflicts with the Liberal Theology in which he had been trained , and which he had earlier enthusiastically followed , with the claims of the Führer to be the chosen instrument of divine providence , and with colleagues , notably Emil Brunner ( 1889–1966 ) , Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) and Friedrich Gogarten ( 1887 — 1967 ) , whose approaches , though having some affinities with his own , he felt in the end to be in varying degrees unsatisfactory .
30 In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises , buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest .
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