Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Well the advice Mrs then is if you know what variety it is and you know it 's a variety tough enough to grow outdoors like er Peregrine , then send protection at the susceptible time of the year when the blossom 's out , otherwise er if it is a tend a more tender variety we do n't think er the thing is going to survive and certainly not going to fruit .
2 In his address to the congress , the chair of the Russian Supreme Soviet , Ruslan Khasbulatov , expressed support for the continued existence of collective and state-owned farms as the most effective way to provide food at the present time .
3 Commenting on the appointment , The Hindu of June 8 stated that Verma assumed charge at a critical time " when terrorist activity has increased as compared to last year , and the law and order machinery appears demoralized " .
4 She was worrying that they 'd made love at the wrong time of the month .
5 The message which Balfour sent was that , ‘ He is also of the opinion that it will be a serious danger if the Socialist Party is allowed to assume office at the present time and he thinks every means ought to be taken to avert the Parliamentary defeat which would bring them into office in your place .
6 There are many issues where a N C V O should be exercising leadership , sometimes a rather difficult concept , and there is no need to apologise for that , for using leadership at the right time , but it has to be a leadership by consent , rather than claimed without authority , and it is in this context that the policy development department in N C V O exists , to help channel voluntary sector concerns to opinion formers , and policy makers , regardless of party politics , regardless of political commitment .
7 In the future , it might be possible for us to reset our body clock to the new time zone quickly , by taking a pill containing melatonin at the appropriate time of day .
8 The second method for regeneration to be initiated is by a time clock , so that it takes place at a convenient time such as during the night .
9 Out takes place at an unspecified time several decades after the unexplained but presumably cataclysmic event known as the ‘ displacement ’ .
10 ‘ I get stationery at the wrong time
11 While this is not insignificant ( a weakness of the lecture or the teacher-directed lesson is that it must take place at a pre-set time irrespective of student readiness ) it is hardly Liberty Hall .
12 For example storytime might take place at an established time towards the end of the school day , but in a follow-up session the next day questions could be asked to see how much they remember of the story , or one child could be asked to retell the story they heard yesterday ( see Boxes 4 and 5 ) .
13 On every occasion there was a suicide attempt , we would find out that the other had attempted suicide at the identical time , even though they may have been hundreds of miles apart and not seen each other for months .
14 Rassendyll accepts the plan in a spirit of adventure and with some reluctance sacrifices his beard to the need of the moment ( a practical detail which helps veracity at the right time ) .
15 The various experiments taking place at the present time in the use of graded tests ( for example in the Borough of Croydon ) tend to show that this form of examination would , in all kinds of ways , be preferable to the system we have .
16 Ibrahim Bu Shanna , reaching maturity at a propitious time , had opportunities to achieve success in trade denied to his elder brother , who grew up during the war : the elder brother was a gardener , who lived subordinate in every way except the symbolic to Ibrahim , a successful wholesaler .
17 You see when committees are meeting at two o'clock usually have a much shorter agenda than this committee discussion but to enable to this committee and to do its job properly , I would think we 'd be looking where possible to be able to discuss items properly and to get start at a reasonable time like we do .
18 ( 5 ) Where under a contract of sale the transfer of the property in the goods is to take place at a future time or subject to some condition later to be fulfilled the contract is called an agreement to sell .
19 Most Greek religious festivals occurred at or near full moon , but since they were associated with agricultural activities they had to take place at the appropriate times of the year .
20 Machine Knitting classes in Northumberland take place at the following times and venues .
21 And yet we often find that examinations take place at the very time of year when there is most likelihood of a heatwave .
22 Although we can quickly reset our watches , our body clock takes many days to adjust , and so instructs the pineal to produce melatonin at the wrong time of day , causing jet-lag .
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