Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] for [art] next [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When they had finished unloading , Therese said , ‘ My coco , I shall be helping Loulou for the next week or two , I do n't like leaving him much when he 's working on those big things .
2 Following a long and hard season for its own loco 's Sydney and No. 24 the Broadland Line will be giving them a well earned rest for the next couple of weeks .
3 The one year Certificate course for ‘ women returners ’ at Launder College was well received and another group received funding for the next year .
4 ULSTER investors who take a stake in this summer 's flotation of Northern Ireland Electricity may be able to make a ‘ quick buck ’ and raise cash for the next issue of British Telecom shares .
5 Maslow suggests that human needs operate in a hierarchy , that people are always wanting and expecting and so the satisfaction of one level of the hierarchy stimulates demand for the next level .
6 The work of the mobile teams is purely facilitation and although local health workers are kept informed of the team 's work , the village takes responsibility for the next step .
7 Copy date for the next issue 14th August 1990 .
8 Copy date for the next issue 14 November 1990 .
9 However , the constitution of 1720 , and the collapse of royal power which underlay it , placed control for the next half-century in the hands of the Diet ( Riksdag ) .
10 The only other comment I had in terms of the scale of settlement , which I think is just touching upon the next point , is that , I mean depending on the conclusions you reach as to the the amount of housing to be provided for in a new settlement , I take the point that Mr Brighton made that you 've got to have a longer term perspective I think that he f that in the ten year period ninety six to two thousand and six that the new settlements to be brought forward during , erm I think it 's really unrealistic to achieve more than twelve fifty , fourteen hundred houses in that period , if you say reach a conclusion there should be two thousand houses in that period in a new settlement , there might be some benefit in having two settlements , each of a capacity of say twelve fifty , f for erm twelve fifty to fifteen hundred that can have capacity for the next plan period , and in other words to assist in meeting the constraints that exist on York that are likely to exist into the future .
11 As he took guard for the next delivery , they uttered a communal sigh of relief and turned away from the game .
12 They were catching insects , shuttling back and forth , storing energy for the next phase of their long journey to breeding grounds .
13 The company made way for the next entertainment the islanders offered to mark the treaty they had made , and Tiguary gave Dulé a drink and hugged him , sitting him down beside him to watch the dancers who now occupied the clearing .
14 If you can not do everything at once , or want to start making staged improvements , either concentrate on your first priorities ( leaving space for the next stages ) or your worst problems-depending on whether you are planning a first-time kitchen or updating an existing one .
15 The results are analysed and used to improve training for the next batch of recruits .
16 At the moment John Cleese is in full sail , way ahead of the field , confident , at ease , and gathering energy for the next thing .
17 Another larva provides evidence for the next step in vertebrate history .
18 Saturday night 's last performance was followed by a frantic ‘ get out ’ to make way for the next show , tear-filled goodbyes and promises to write daily .
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