Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] out [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Old Steenie , he 'd make money out of a kid 's conker match ; Nigel 'd close The Mousetrap within a week . ’
2 Faced with the problems of letting businessmen make money out of the railway timetable without cancelling the Eastern service as uneconomic , he was the very model of a fifth-century Hellene under a tree in the Agra .
3 Bringing tea out on the lawn ,
4 He used to give me an hours warning and then we 'd work through until it got dark out in the fields and then we 'd go into the sheds and restack the hay or whatever he wanted to do .
5 All her creditors were asked to execute the Debt of Trust , and agree to accept payment out of the Trust Estate .
6 £4bn to pull Industry out of the doldrums
7 Marshes play an important part in keeping sediment out of the bay 's waters .
8 And if you think I 'm going to bail Sleet out with the money Francis left me when you ca n't even be bothered to learn the most basic elements of running an estate then you 're mistaken . ’
9 He was thirty five yesterday but Oldham ruined the celebrations , knocking Town out of the Coca Cola Cup , one-nil …
10 For most people in Britain , the Medical Research Council 's study , published in February 1990 , revealing the strong possibility that fathers who worked in the Sellafield reprocessing plant in Cumbria had passed leukaemia to their children in their sperm , moved speculation out of the realms of the circumstantial into that of the confirmed .
11 Once you 've done that , you can then start taking really strong action about keeping traffic out of the City , because you 've got the alternative .
12 As for the comment you attributed to me , that Britain has a budding romance with pressurised water reactor , I have always been an advocate of keeping government out of the bedroom and would , therefore , never have allowed such a comment to pass From my lips .
13 ‘ Tweed was seen driving east out of the city .
14 You will see groups of them clustered way out beyond the breaking surf waiting for the best waves .
15 They 'll frequently jump cigar out of the water while swimming fast , enabling them to maintain their speed while coming to the surface to breathe .
16 The Special Needs Unit , attached to the College of Further Education , is actually decking their Special Needs Unit out as a rain forest , both before and after , so there 's the rainforest in all its glory , and then the rainforest after it 's been chopped down and destroyed in the next room , so the Special Needs Unit are really enjoying that .
17 Then came thunder out of the east as rank after rank of tanks came roaring past , plunged through the infantry and turned north for the kill .
18 Baldwin had a profound distaste for those who had made money out of the war and in 1919 he made an anonymous donation of part of his wealth to the nation as his personal sacrifice ; Neville Chamberlain was greatly affected by the death of his cousin Norman and determined that such sacrifice should not be wasted .
19 The mother of an incontinent daughter , who had been lent money out of the DSS Social Fund to buy a washing machine , had the machine removed by a bailiff .
20 And if he were propelled by such categorical imperative to fail , he could not reek loveableness out of every pore
21 They ate meat out of a silver basket . ’
22 Apart from transporting rubbish out of the area , which is costly , Cullen has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of four methods of on- or near-site disposal .
23 Children are likely to play ball against your side wall and you may find yourself picking litter out of the garden which has been thrown over your wall or fence .
24 One evening he clambered down with an armful of tin pipes and funnels , scooped a cupful of fermenting liquid out of the barrel , and disappeared into the lavatory .
25 Whenever I put food out around a sett prior to an evening watch , I can usually hear a badger munching a peanut or two for some time before the first animal comes into view .
26 let pressure out of the tyres .
27 They drove north out of the city , the guard , his sleepless ever-present shadow , at the wheel .
28 She squashes sausage out of the minds of novelists on their hot-footed way to a real good plot . ’
29 Make Pussy out of a slice of the sponge cake for a face .
30 The idea came from the experience of pulling hair out of the bathtub ; ‘ this made me think about the things that are worthless , that we want to get rid of , the embarrassing hidden things like body hair , and the things we value and cultivate — in our culture , for instance , the head of hair is usually the first thing people register when they look at someone , a great deal of energy and money is , therefore , expended on hairdressing and styling .
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