Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] to the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We want access to the same range of opportunities to participate in and contribute to the society in which we live .
2 Surely Cynthia did n't fall victim to the same fear ?
3 683 were whether ( a ) the fact that the Bar Council , which was the accusatorial body , formed part of the Senate , which was the judicial body , meant that fair-minded people would regard the proceedings of the Senate 's disciplinary tribunal as tainted with the appearance of bias and ( b ) the fact that members of the same profession were both the accusers and the majority of the disciplinary tribunal could give rise to the same objection .
5 Nor does his work lead to the same fame as does great success at the Bar ; but some solicitors are as affluent as their opposite numbers at the bar , and they achieve their wealth in a more relaxed way .
6 Sometimes it can be shown that the tissue not only looks homogeneous , but actually is so , because , if the tissue is cut in half , each half will regulate to give rise to the same pattern as would otherwise have been produced by the whole .
7 Without holding unnecessary duplicate data , users at multiple sites on opposite sides of the globe can be given access to the same information .
8 Our initial reaction to our brief in respect of bilingual pupils was that all pupils must have access to the same attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
9 In a budgeting process , rather than creating BUDGET 1 , BUDGET 2 and BUDGET 3 for the different assumptions , different users could have access to the same file and contribute and see each others ’ ideas . ’
10 Centralised records provide the means by which many people may have access to the same body of information , regardless of their physical situation .
11 In sum , Johnson falls victim to the same snare which he saw to have trapped his predecessors .
12 He came back after cracking his knee cap in the England game against New Zealand , two years ago but fell victim to the same injury less than two months ago .
13 Three other people are also awaiting committal to the same court accused of similar offences .
14 ‘ Secrets of Making Love to the Same Person Forever ’ — the title says it all really .
15 The court gave judgment to the same effect in both cases .
16 Post-mortems carried out on two of the dead swans have proved inconclusive , but Mr O'Sullivan said he suspected the birds had fallen prey to the same disease which hit the colony before .
17 Since some speakers ( those who have low " competence " ) do not use many Patois features anyway , these speakers will have a lower Patois index than other speakers who code switch to the same extent , but who use more Patois features in the Patois part of their talk .
18 It is all the more surprising , therefore , that the DC-10 was to fall victim to the same hazard when the Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashed with so many fatalities near paris .
19 The means of promoting consensus on the curriculum proved to be The National Curriculum 5–16 : a consultation document ( hereafter TNC ) , where it is argued that the national curriculum will help to raise standards by ensuring that all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the compulsory period ; by setting clear objectives of what pupils should be expected to achieve ; by ensuring that all pupils , irrespective of their sex , ethnic origins or geographical location have access to the same curriculum offer ; and by checking on performance and progress at various stages .
20 Dixit ( 1982 ) proposes the following four conditions : 1 That all producers have access to the same technology .
21 In a contestable market , existing firms are vulnerable to entry if they attempt to exploit their market power , there are no sunk costs , and hence exit is costless ; and entrants have access to the same technology and factor prices as incumbents .
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