Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although there are conflicting dicta it seems that an owner who is not in occupation of the land at the time when the thing escapes is liable if he has authorised the accumulation , and that anyone who collects the dangerous thing and has control of it at the time of the escape would be liable , perhaps even when he is carrying it along the highway and it escapes therefrom .
2 She followed , trying to spot a public phone , and she had just caught sight of one at the corner of the building when he came out of the office , a key in his hand .
3 You 're going to be happiest closer to home now , Cancer and you 'll need time to yourself at the beginning of June .
4 I want to drink tea with you at the Samoyovska Hotel in Kiev , and vodka with you in the evening in a place where they used to play gypsy music when I was a student .
5 It is obviously sensible , given your knowledge of the sector , to utilise you [ and your in house experts ] in the search process and we will very much welcome feedback from you at every stage of the search process .
6 ‘ And if I had to put money on it at the moment then I would back Arsenal to win the title . ’
7 The last person to see his wife and children alive was Joe Zerboni who had played bridge with them at a Halloween party at a California country club .
8 Saying goodbye to her at the station , Thomas looked at her sternly .
9 You — you took advantage of me at a moment of weakness . ’
10 An odd kind of feeling took hold of him at the thought he had a daughter .
11 I ca n't say I 'm doing a Page-type thing in the studio , but he was someone who was able to make very soulful records , and that was something that generated excitement in me at the time .
12 A high-rise block of flats had been clamped down on a street that did not think well of itself at the best of times .
13 The call was a complex one , involving overlapping rules covering who gives room to whom at the final windward mark .
14 We went and had lunch with him at the India Club on Wall Street .
15 David 's not a man for leaving work behind him at the end of the day .
16 I recall his emphasis on the last eleven words — and how they struck chill into me at the time .
17 We will arrange collection from you at a later date of the masters and PAL copy masters , but would like you to store the NTSC and SECAM copy masters for future use .
18 He dressed and had breakfast with them at the table .
19 I am raising money for him at the moment .
20 I followed Jones at the Tournament of Champions , which he won , and even predicted victory for him at the Bob Hope , which he also won .
21 Also my teaching is squeezed into 4 days , which means that I have time to myself at the weekend , including Friday .
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