Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been given permission to swim in the pool when the family 's not using it .
2 It 's the first time students have been given permission to broadcast outside a campus .
3 The attendant said there was a gentleman already undressing in No. 1 Frederica received no answer to her question about numéro sept , but was given permission to stand in the corridor of the train , which was already sliding away from its platform .
4 Because of the distance of my journey I had been given permission to come during the morning , and there were no other visitors .
5 Crosby has been given permission to speak to the player by his French club Metz , who want about £175,000 for the unsettled Serb .
6 Reports from the country last night said that Shachar has spoken to Souness , and had been given permission to speak to the player .
7 Declarer obviously did n't appreciate the imminent danger of the club suit and ducked in dummy allowing West to win with the king .
8 The evil spirits asked permission to go into the pigs that were nearby .
9 Allowing play to continue for an hour if such time has been lost during the day is splendid ; but the idea must be extended to ensure that any time lost up to that hour is added on .
10 Initially everyone welcomes the idea , but very quickly the organization outgrows the house and goes to the local authority demanding permission to build in the grounds .
11 Hundreds of parents and teachers have lobbied Parliament to protest about the government 's plan to cut help for pupils whose first language is n't English .
12 Several times I was given money to go to the chemist 's for bitter aloes or penny royal or a bottle of gin from the outdoor .
13 Later it was discovered that the council had written to the club months earlier demanding action to deal with the hazard .
14 If I had any guts I 'd walk out of the front door now , this minute , and I 'd hitch my way to Italy and rent a shack in Tuscany , and I 'd paint trash to sell to the tourists in the Piazza della Signoria , and I 'd paint …
15 You had to go sit scholarship to go to the county school we call they called it .
16 Following DPP v Ray , above , a person who goes into a restaurant and orders a meal implies that he has money to pay for the meal .
17 The last person she needed was fitzAlan , but an attendant of humble rank would n't matter , if it helped her to obtain permission to go into the town .
18 It took the Croatian archaeologists almost a year to obtain permission to get into the Barbariga military base .
19 We are convinced that the philosophy which was originally intended to predominate in the post-war UK child care legislation — namely that the work of public agencies was to provide supportive services to families , part of which could include admission to care as a means ultimately of preserving family relationships in the long run — has been lost from current practice .
20 When Joseph Parker urged a radical reorganization of the Congregational Union to create a ‘ Congregational Church ’ he asked pointedly , ‘ What right has Congregationalism to stand outside the law of evolution ? ’
21 A good example is intensive work on physical development and mobility and orientation , so essential to increase healthy self-regarding attitudes , to increase capability to cope with the environment and to evoke positive attitudes .
22 Section 5(4) deems ownership to remain with the victim .
23 Further , as we show below , the general theory needs modification to allow for the ability of some firms to escape from the average of national industry economics by internationalising their systems of management .
24 The words of this blessing would most probably be : ‘ Praise to you Lord , King of the universe who causes bread to come from the earth . ’
25 A cropped picture should have more impact than an uncropped one but beware of over-cropping , the eye needs room to move round the image if it is to absorb the information .
26 The cook needs room to get at the cooker , sink and cupboards without hindrance and to move around the kitchen comfortably .
27 Going from there to , and that 's a sort of history of where things have happened over the previous four mon four months , to expectations about output this is the first survey since the recession began in which all regions , mainland regions of the U K say that they expect output to increase over the coming four months .
28 He wants OSF to move to the position most companies adopt when bringing new products to market : at the same moment they back their latest technology releases with endorsements and supportive product announcements from across the industry .
29 The Initiative wants OSF to contribute to the Unix specification for ACE , and sees itself as a possible vehicle for knitting the discordant elements of the establishment together .
30 For centuries trees were cut at an early stage to encourage timber to grow from the stumps : ash , field maple , hazel , hornbeam .
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